When I saw the WILL Radio booth their banner caught my eye since it says, “Podcasts and Radio on Demand.”
I know you can’t see it here in this picture but you can find their podcasts on their website.
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Podcasts”
When I saw the WILL Radio booth their banner caught my eye since it says, “Podcasts and Radio on Demand.”
I know you can’t see it here in this picture but you can find their podcasts on their website.
Here’s a podcast you might find interesting. Can you believe how many agricultural podcasts we get to point out lately?!
One of the coolest things we’ve done here at the 2006 Citrus Expo is introduce the first Florida farm podcast. I mentioned previously that Southeast AgNet was going to get started in the podcast realm and that happened today with the introduction of a series of interviews that are available through the Citrus Expo Podcast.
Here’s another story on podcasting that’s especially good if you’re not convinced that this blogging thing is a good idea. Chief Marketer has a story they took away from a recent Ad:Tech Chicago session that suggests you might just be better off going directly to podcasting.
After hearing all the interest in podcasting expressed at the Agricultural Media Summit I thought I’d offer these tidbits. To start with a company called Ralston360 has created a virtual podcast for you that explains podcasting. Spend a few minutes and watch this. It’s not only well done but they used the same video iPod I own as their screen image. This is high up on the cool factor and brought to my attention by Steve Rubel.
Speaking of podcasting. We were speaking about podcasting here in the office just now (really). Here’s an update to Monsanto’s Conversations About Plant Biotechnology. This very well done production now has a “total number of video segments with growers to more than 35 and representing nine of the 21 countries that grew biotech crops in 2005.” They’ve also updated the website.
The program this week is a followup to the Agricultural Media Summit in Portland, Oregon. Interest is very high in using new media tools like agriblogging and farm podcasting.
The first ag group that I know of that started podcasting is the Missour Beef Industry Council. That’s thanks to the now former Executive Director Steve Taylor.
Not all farm podcasts have to be downloaded onto a digital audio player. I just found a story from earlier this year on bbc.co.uk. In Peru, telecentres (local broadcasting outlets) are subscribing to farm podcasts to obtain the information so they can broadcast it. The organization behind it is Practical Action.
I’ve got some serious updating to do on my blog and podcast pages after this week of learning about new ones in agriculture. Like Loos Tales which you’ll find on Feedstuffs website. Loos Tales is produced by Trent Loos.