2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Illinois HerbFest Celebrates Earth Day

Lizzy Schultz

The Illinois Herb Association will celebrate this month’s Earth Day festivities during the 2016 HerbFest. The event will be held April 16 in Chillicothe, Illinois, at Chillicothe Public Library. “The annual HerbFest was previously held in June and September, but this year will be moving to April in order to celebrate Earth Day and build nature into the program,” said …

Ag Groups, Conservation, Environment, Planting, specialty crops, Sustainability

Farm Futures Predicts More Corn, Less Soybeans

Kelly Marshall

Farm Futures is Penton Agriculture‘s market-leading ag business resource and they are seeing a lot of red on the ledgers right now.  In fact their latest survey suggests farmers may react to the agriculture market by cutting back almost 2 percent of the crop acreage this year.  Of the major row crops, only corn and cotton are seeing gains– but …

Agribusiness, Markets, Planting

Case IH Reveals 2000 Series Early Riser Planter

Jamie Johansen

The 2000 series Early Riser planter has been re-thought from the ground up and was revealed last week at the 2016 National Farm Machinery Show by Case IH. The planer is the first to factory-integrate industry-leading seed placement technologies from Precision Planting® into a completely new system featuring a best-in-class rugged row unit. “From all-new cast iron components to an …

Agribusiness, Audio, Case IH, Equipment, National Farm Machinery Show, Planting

High Def Corn Planting

Chuck Zimmerman

Via Twitter alert from Robert Frye comes, “Iowa Corn Planting In High Definition.” Robert is obviously a drone pro judging by how he commanded his quad copter to take this gorgeous video. He published it on May 11, 2015. Here’s how he described it on YouTube: A “birds-eye-view” of Jim, Matt and Jay’s 2015 corn planting. Please watch on full …

Corn, Farming, Gadgets, Planting, Video