2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Get Dairy Impact Photos

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’re a media person needing some dairy information, especially photos, then Dairy Impact is where you need to go. This is a website of the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. Here’s WMMB, Vice President, Producer Communications & Programs, Matt Joyce, showing it off to World Dairy Expo Dairy Woman of the Year, Marion Barlass at this year’s Expo. Matt says …

Ag Groups, Dairy, Media, World Dairy Expo

Successful Farming/John Deere Win min

Chuck Zimmerman

Successful Farming magazine and John Deere have received some recognition for their integration of web based communications content from the min magazine Integrated Marketing Awards. Successful Farming magazine and John Deere have been awarded the min Integrated Marketing Awards First Place honor in Web/Online Bundling for their partner program, CropTechTour. min’s Integrated Marketing Awards salute the campaigns, ongoing programs and …

Advertising, Agribusiness, Media

Farm Babe Talking It Up at World Dairy Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

After a morning of interviews and photos I’m hitting the road back to ZimmComm World Headquarters. I’ll leave you with this one of a hard working farm broadcaster, the Farm Babe herself, Pam Jahnke, Wisconsin Farm Report. Once again Pam invited farm broadcasters to her home and made us feel welcome as her husband, Buck, grilled brats and burgers. We …

Media, World Dairy Expo

Rainy Weather at CFWF Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Seeing this picture sent in by Dan Danford, AdFarm, makes me wish I was able to attend the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation meeting. This picture was actually taken prior to the CFWF meeting. Dan was kind though to send me a couple of pictures and let me know what’s going on with our brethren in the great white north. The …

Agencies, International, Media

FINDERBINDER Agricultural Media Directory Ready

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like the Finderbinder for ag media is about ready. As of today, public relations executives and media buyers serving the agricultural media directory have a new tool for current, detailed information on local news media. The FINDERBINDER® Agricultural Media Directory catalogs more than 1,500 agricultural newspapers, magazines, online publications, broadcast outlets in the United States. “The FINDERBINDER® will …


Mother Nature Gets a Network

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like Mother Nature needed a network and found two guys to start one for her. Chuck Leavell pointed me to this story which pretty much explains what they have in mind. Joel Babbit, 54, a longtime Atlanta ad executive, and Chuck Leavell, 56, keyboardist for the Rolling Stones, are creating a new online company — the Mother Nature …


Woodward Has Two Rivers

Chuck Zimmerman

This week’s ZimmCast is being sponsored by DTN and The Progressive Farmer. “DTN and The Progressive Farmer deliver the right content to the right audience across multiple media platforms—it all adds up to you moving the needle with producers now.” In this week’s program we’ll learn about the Woodward Communications acquisition of Two Rivers Marketing. I spoke with Greg Ehm, …

Agencies, Audio, Media, ZimmCast

Two Rivers Marketing Acquired By Woodward Communications

Chuck Zimmerman

Two Rivers Marketing has been acquired by multi-media company, Woodward Communications. That’s very interesting. We’re certainly living in a different world today when it comes to media and marketing. Woodward Communications, Inc. (WCI), a Dubuque-based employee-owned multimedia company operating in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin, has acquired Two Rivers Marketing, a well-known Des Moines marketing firm specializing in business-to-business communications. In …

Agencies, Media

DTN Acquired by Telvent

Chuck Zimmerman

Telvent announced today that it has acquired DTN. Telvent (NASDAQ: TLVT), the IT company for a sustainable and secure world, announced today that it has signed an agreement to acquire one hundred percent of U.S.-based business information services provider, DTN Holding Company, Inc. (DTN), headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. The acquisition represents an all cash purchase of DTN for a total …
