The Livestock Publications Council held their annual lunch today and the featured speaker was Andy Groseta, incoming NCBA President. Andy welcomed everyone and told the group how import their efforts were in delivering information vital to American cattlemen. The luncheon is actually still going on. I had to leave to attend a different one and am posting this in between. …
LPC Had a Successful Gala
Last night the Livestock Publications Council held their annual Gala at the American Royal and it was a big success with attendance well above last year. Diane Johnson did her usual excellent job of making sure that everyone had a good time. I was there for a while and will post some pictures of the LPC Headliner and Hall of …
Learn the Nuts & Bolts …
The American Agricultural Editors’ Association and Livestock Publications Council are pleased to host the latest Midwest Regional Design & Writing Workshop. The Nuts & Bolts of Ag Communication will be held April 10, 2008 at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Johnston, Iowa. Be a part of the design and writing tune-up! For more information, contact: Diane Johnson (LPC) at or …
LPC Meets With Dairy Woman of the Year
The Livestock Publications Council met for breakfast with the Dairy Woman of the Year, Deborah Lee Reinhart, a producer from New Holstein, Wisconsin. She’s pictured third from the left in the front row Diane Johnson, LPC Executive Director gave us an update on some of the regional workshops as well as the Gala Banquet at the American Royal in a …
LPC Gala Rally
I didn’t use a picture of the YMCA at the Ag Media Summit but I did post the video. If you didn’t have any fun at the Ag Media Summit then you should stop by the rally for the Livestock Publications Council annual Gala. It’s time to rally the troops for the LPC Gala and have an end of summer …
Meet The New Presidents of AAEA and LPC
I’m getting a lot more work done in airports today than I planned on thanks to United Airlines. My short connection in O’Hare turned into a 4 hour (I hope it doesn’t get worse) delay waiting for the next flight to Kalamazoo after several hours delay getting out of St. Louis. Lots of people in my boat since you could …
LPC Passing of the Gavel
While AAEA was meeting so was LPC. Here’s new LPC president Kyle Haley alongside now past president Lisa Bryant. It sounds like LPC is doing great both in membership and financially. I know their involvement with AMS has helped this just like it has with AAEA. I interviewed Kyle and will feature that interview in next week’s ZimmCast. You’ll hear …
Ag Media Summit Shatters Records
The Agricultural Media Summit is shaping up to be an awesome event this year. It’s only 2 weeks away! This year’s event is record shattering because we already have the most attendees, most exhibitors and most sponsors ever. The coolest thing is that I made the highlight list. AMS – which began in 1999 – is a partnership of the …
LPC/AAEA Midwest Regional Workshop
The Livestock Publications Council and American Agricultural Editors’ Association are teaming up to offer a workshop in Des Moines next month. It’s the LPC/AAEA Midwest Regional Workshop on the “Nuts & Bolts of Ag Communications.” It’s about design and writing. To find out more about the program and to register contact Diane Johnson. The program is on March 29 and …
Boot Camp LPC Style
It’s almost time for the second round of the Livestock Publications Council Boot Camp.