AMS Awards and Memories

Cindy Zimmerman

The Ag Media Summit 10th Anniversary Celebration on Tuesday night was an evening of fond memories and awards for achievement and service. Among the awards presented were the AAEA Lifetime Achievement Award to Claude Gifford, long time associate editor of Farm Journal and USDA director of information, and to the late Larry Harper, editor of the Missouri Ruralist. The AAEA …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, BASF, LPC

Board Meetings In Progress

Chuck Zimmerman

Registration is now open here at the Ag Media Summit and after lunch the first programs will start. The board meetings of the two main ag journalism groups are going on right now. Here’s the Livestock Publications Council going at it hard and heavy. I’ll try to get a report from LPC after lunch and post later. While LPC is …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, BASF, LPC

LPC Works Out West of the Rockies

Chuck Zimmerman

The Livestock Publications Council just held a design and writing workshop in Boise, ID. Wish I could have been there Diane. The first ever LPC design and writing workshop held west of the Rocky Mountains was held May 28-29 in Boise,Idaho. And for those who made the effort to get there certainly got their money’s worth. The speakers were exceptional …


Planning IFAJ/AMS 2009

Chuck Zimmerman

The dedicated IFAJ/AMS planning committee is meeting early this morning to continue planning for the 2009 combined IFAJ Congress and Ag Media Summit. We’ve been reviewing the program and fine tuning things. Sponsorship packets are almost ready and will be published soon. For those of you who have been AMS sponsors, keep in mind that in 2009 we’re going to …


Writing and Podcasting in Iowa

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I attended a portion of the AAEA/LPC Regional Design & Writing Workshop in Johnston, IA. Some of you are probably thinking, “Why didn’t he stay since he so obviously needs help?” Yeah, but I had other places to be too. So in this week’s program you’ll hear from LPC Executive Director Diane Johnson who talks about the workshop …

ACN, Audio, LPC, Podcasts, Soybean, ZimmNews

Learning How To Design and Write

Chuck Zimmerman

The AAEA/LPC Regional Design & Writing Workshop is about to kick off here at the Pioneer Carver Building in Johnston, IA. This is a beautiful facility and we appreciate Pioneer providing us with this location. I think there are about 80 people participating which is a great turnout. I’ve got a couple interviews and more pictures that I’ll post later. …


AAEA/LPC Reception

Chuck Zimmerman

We certainly had some fun tonight at the AAEA/LPC Regional Writing Workshop Reception. Diane “Vanna” Johnson had volunteers help her run a very good Jeopardy game. Pictured here are the first round of contestants for the competition. It wasn’t easy and sometimes the audience didn’t have the answer. Our emcee was Tom Trebek, local celebrity. He did an awesome job …

ACN, LPC, Video

Fun And Games

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m not sure what Diane “Vanna” Johnson has planned for us in Johnston, IA tomorrow night but I’ll be there and you can count on learning more here on AgWired. It’s a social gathering prior to the Midwest Regional Design & Writing Workshop which takes place at Pioneer’s headquarters on Thursday. I’ll be there for a while too. Prior to …


LPC and AAEA Regional Workshops

Chuck Zimmerman

I know the deadline’s today but maybe you can get your registration in still for the Livestock Publications Council and AAEA Midwest Regional Workshop on design and writing. It’s going to be held April 10 at the Pioneer offices in Johnston, IA. If you come in early the night before then you can play games with Diane Johnson at the …


A Couple of Johnsons

Chuck Zimmerman

The ever lovely Executive Director of the Livestock Publications Council, Diane Johnson, has been here at the Cattle Industry Convention interacting with her peeps. I caught her outside the convention center at the end of the day with Todd Johnson, Executive Director of the Kansas Beef Council. No, they’re not related. Diane does a lot more than just run LPC. …

Ag Groups, LPC