2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Time For LMA Socializing

Chuck Zimmerman

We have had a business meeting going on here at the 2013 Livestock Marketing Association Annual Convention for the past two days. Tonight it was time to relax and socialize. Big thanks to Montgomery Stockyards for sponsoring an excellent Fat Boy’s Bar-B-Que Ranch dinner at Union Station. During our supper we heard from several folks and then all the past …

Ag Groups, LMA

LMA Provides Animal Handling Expertise

Chuck Zimmerman

Animal handling is THE big priority issue for the Livestock Marketing Association. Members have Laura Marks, LMA Director of Animal Handling, as a great resource when it comes to this issue. Here at the 2013 LMA Annual Convention Laura conducted a workshop on this issue. I visited with her in between sessions to learn what she wanted members to know. …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, LMA

LMA Convention/WLAC Kicks Off

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2013 Annual Convention of the Livestock Marketing Association and 50th World Livestock Auctioneer Championship has kicked off here in Montgomery, AL. Alabama Governor Robert J. Bentley, welcomed attendees and talked about the importance of farmers. The Governor is pictured center with Mark Mackey, CEO, LMA on the left and Tim Starks, President, LMA on the right. I’ll be providing …

Ag Groups, Audio, Livestock, LMA

Livestock Marketing Time

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for my first Livestock Marketing Association annual meeting and World Livestock Auctioneer Championship. I’ll begin my coverage tomorrow with the opening general session and continuing through Saturday when the auctioneer championship competition ramps into high gear. I’ll be sharing lots of photos, interviews and other media content throughout the event. Taking a look ahead at the schedule, we’ll …

Ag Groups, Livestock, LMA

LMA 50th Convention & Auctioneer Championship

Chuck Zimmerman

My first ever Livestock Marketing Association’s Annual Convention and World Livestock Auctioneer Championship looks to be a golden one in Montgomery, AL. I’ll not only be covering the event but will be participating in the judging. So plan to follow along with me as we plow new ground along the agriblogging highway. For half a century, the Livestock Marketing Association …

Ag Leader, Livestock, LMA