2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Founder of IFAJ

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-14Honored at last night’s dinner was Rolf Haeberli, Switzerland, who is one of the founders of IFAJ. In fact, Rolf, who’s a young 85 years old, says they got this organization started in Paris in 1956. I didn’t want to tell him that I wasn’t even born yet! Way to go Rolf.


IFAJ Planning Committee Chairman

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-12Giving us a hearty welcome before dinner was the IFAJ Congress planning committee chairman, Hans Mueller. He did a great job in at least 2 languages as I recall. In fact, that’s something that really strikes you at an international conference like this. The diversity of language. There are almost 300 people here from over 30 countries! I think I heard that we have new members attending from Nepal even. This is an excellent opportunity to meet with and talk to ag journalists from other countries. I’m sure we’re making contacts that will last a lifetime.


Berne Minister of Economic Affairs

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-8Before dinner opening day we heard from Elisabeth Zolch-Balmer, Minister of the Department of Economic Affairs and a member of the government of the Canton of Berne. Elisabeth talked about how the government is working to save and restore small Swiss farms through the use of payments. She said they’ve had a real decline in the number of these small farms but that it has stabilized. The farms are actually important to more than just the agricultural industry. They’re very important to tourism as well.

Audio, IFAJ

Reception In Uebeschi

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-4Swiss hospitality! After our city reception in Thun, we went up the mountainside a little ways to Gasthof Weyersbuhl, a beautiful little house/farm for another reception and dinner. We started out with some refreshments which were different fruit juices but not what we in America would call fruit punch. I really don’t know what they were but they were good.


Vice Mayor Of Thun

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-2Next on our program opening night was Ursula Haller, vice mayor of Thun. She described what happened during the recent flooding here and how they’re dealing with it. I interviewed Ursula after she spoke.

Audio, IFAJ

Thun City Reception

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-1We’re rocking now. I’m in the IFAJ press room at the Seepark Hotel. Thank goodness for working internet access! We got in yesterday just in time to make it to the opening reception in Thun in a historic old building. We had wine, bread and cheese (Swiss cheese). To get us started at the Rathaus the president of the Swiss Ag Journalists, Adrian Krebs, welcomed us and told us to “stay on time.”


First Post From Thun

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from IFAJ Congress 2005 in Thun, Switzerland! What a day. Sorry I don’t have more up yet but our flight out of New York was delayed almost 4 hours. Then when we got here we had to take off for the first activities of the event. I have lots of material that I’ll be putting up tomorrow. It’s after 11pm here now and I’m using a press room computer that’s not set up for the standard english person like me. That means some keys are in different places and hard to find at this time of night if you know what I mean.