I know this logo says 2009. That’s because we’re already promoting the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress which will be held in Ft. Worth, TX in 2009. If your company, agency or organization would like to be involved and help out in any way, now’s the time to let the committee know. We’ll have ag journalists from all over the world here. The meeting will take place in conjunction with the Ag Media Summit that year.
Feeding My Norwegian Senses
We’re now well into the second year of AgWired. Hard to believe. Time flies when you’re blogging. Once again this year, Pioneer Hi-Bred will be sponsoring my coverage of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) Congress. This time I’ll be in Hamar, Norway in August.
Event Blogging and NAMA on the ZimmCast
Event blogging is the new media way to have your event covered. In this week’s ZimmCast you can find out about some of the events on my blogging schedule. If your event isn’t on the list call me to make it so.
IFAJ Planning Committee Meeting
Here at the NAMA Conference the planning committee for the IFAJ 2009 Congress got together. That’s the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists.
Ag Media Summit Seminar
It’s not too early to think about the Agricultural Media Summit in Portland, OR, July 23 – 26. Not much on the website yet but it’ll be there soon.
IFAJ Article On Blogging
The latest issue of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists has a blogging article in it!
The Real IFAJ 2009 Planning Session
We really did work at preliminary planning for the IFAJ 2009 Congress and got a lot done this morning. Here we are, glad that we’re done! Not everyone could make it but in attendance were:
A Little Rock Helps The IFAJ Planning Process
Although this is another “phone” picture I had to post it because Spike Blake & Earthquake just plain rocked the place last night after our preliminary IFAJ 2009 Planning Dinner. If you’re looking for a band keep these guys in mind! There’s much better pics on their website too.
Beginning To Plan IFAJ 2009
The best way to kick off the planning process for the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress 2009 seemed to be a Friday evening dinner at Cheeseburger In Paradise, Kansas City. Here’s the co-chairs of that planning committee in deep discussion just prior to the start of our after dinner entertainment (more on that). They are Andy Markwart, The Furrow, and Mike Wilson, Prairie Farmer.
Off To Kansas City To Plan IFAJ 2009
Posting may be a little light today since I’ll be in Kansas City, MO. Tomorrow a group of us will be meeting to start pre-planning the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress 2009. I think the plan is to hold it in conjunction with the Ag Media Summit that year. If you have any ideas you’d like to offer, please feel free to let me know and I’ll be happy to pass them along.