2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Moose Man Speaketh

Chuck Zimmerman

Nils RustadWhen we visited the Rustad-Skog moose lodge we all fit into a 250 year old cabin to listen to owner, Nils Rustad give us a history of the place and how they manage the moose population in Norway.

Audio, IFAJ

Applying The Glue To Lumber

Chuck Zimmerman

Gluing The BoardsAt the Moelven tour stop we got to walk through the workshops and see them taking an agricultural product (trees) and turning them into functional elements of office buildings, ampitheaters and basically all kinds of buildings.


A Jarlsberg Reception

Chuck Zimmerman

Jarlsberg DisplayAt our opening night reception and dinner we heard from the CEO/President of Tine, the Norway dairy cooperative that makes Jarlsberg cheese. This year is the 50th year since they began making this great cheese. You can see the nice display of food we had with a Jarlsberg cheese wheel centerpiece.

Audio, Dairy, IFAJ