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Callaway Performs

Chuck Zimmerman

Cindy got to see Michael Peterson perform on Friday night but I got to see Callaway perform on Saturday night. She did a benefit concert for support of Appaloosa Youth Association activities and was a big hit with the young audience. She played a full set of songs with her band and showed why she’s an up and coming star. …

Ag Groups, Horses, Video

Appaloosa Calf Roping

Chuck Zimmerman

One thing I don’t think you’ll ever find me doing is calf roping. I may as well jump off a building as a horse after roping a calf. That is, if I could even swing the rope and ride at the same time. These guys make it look like a piece of cake though. It’s still relatively early here in …

Ag Groups, Horses

Meeting Callaway

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t mean the golf company. Maybe you don’t know Callaway yet but I do. She’s a very young singing star and will be performing tonight at the National Appaloosa Show. She’s on the left in case you didn’t figure that out. I’ll let you figure out who’s on the right. Callaway will be performing a benefit concert for the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Horses

These Girls Are Cowboys

Chuck Zimmerman

The Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls are performing at the National Appaloosa Show for two nights. According to Executive Director, Jennifer Nicholson, they’ll be doing their choreographed lasso dance and acrobatic trick riding. This morning I got to talk with them so in the interview you can hear from each of the girls here, ages 9 to 17, with Jennifer in …

Audio, Horses

Appaloosa On The Move

Chuck Zimmerman

This week’s ZimmCast is a little late I know but I wanted to wait until I got to Jackson, MS and the National Appaloosa Show so we could learn about how they’ve handled a major move to a new city with a show that’s been held in another location for a long time. So this week you can hear Appaloosa …

Ag Groups, Audio, Horses, ZimmCast

Monetize That Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the questions I get asked very often is, “How can you make money with new media?” If you read AgWired often then you probably have a good idea of some of the ways that can happen. But let’s say you’re a membership organization like the Appaloosa Horse Club and you’ve got a blog. What can you do with …

Ag Groups, Horses

Ohio Equine Enthusiasts Unite

Laura McNamara

Members of the Ohio horse community are uniting in the face of economic instability. The equine industry in Ohio is forming an umbrella coalition to offer members more security. In an attempt to overcome numerous challenges and what amounts to an economic crisis in several segments, members of this state’s horse community today announced the formation of the Ohio Equine …

Ag Groups, Farming, Horses

Meeting With Horse Photographers

Chuck Zimmerman

This week you get to learn about equine photography through an interview with Karen and Larry Williams, Larry Williams Photography. I met them at the World Championship Appaloosa Show and really enjoyed seeing how their system works. They take a lot of pictures and have to manage them through backups and uploading to their website for sale. Watching Larry work …

Audio, Horses

Heading Home With a Bang

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for the agriblogger to hit the road home. The World Championship Appaloosa Show has been great fun. Last night’s program included a short show by Diana Olson who is President of the Arizona Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association. She has a beautiful horse and just in case anyone was nodding off after a long day she woke them up. …


I Wish I Were A Lipizzaner

Chuck Zimmerman

I grew up in Sarasota, FL near where the famous Lipizzaner Stallions had a facility so I got to see this move quite a few times. Last night here at the World Championship Appaloosa Show this move got a big “ooh” from the crowd and I just happened to be ready to take a picture. This was right before the …
