RFA Ethanol Podcast

NCGA Staffer on CTIC Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

2014 CTIC Conservation in Action Tour Photo Album Many of the participants at last week’s CTIC Conservation in Action tour of the Florida Everglades Agricultural area were from the Midwest and they were very interested in some of the very different crop production they saw in the Sunshine State. CTIC board member and National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Soil Health …

Audio, Conservation, Corn, CTIC, Harvest, NCGA, Video

Drive with Caution During Harvest Season

Jamie Johansen

It’s harvest season in Georgia and more farm equipment will be heading out across the state as farmers transport equipment and produce between fields and processing areas. Because farm equipment is designed to be used primarily in the field and not for typical highway speeds, motorists can be caught off guard when traveling rural roads this time of year. The …

Ag Groups, Harvest

New Holland Agriculture Claims World Record

Jamie Johansen

New Holland Agriculture has reclaimed the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title, harvesting an impressive 797.656 tonnes (29,308.84 bushels) of wheat in eight hours with the world’s most powerful combine: the 653 hp CR10.90 Elevation. “We are extremely proud to have recaptured the Guinness World Records title for harvesting almost 30,000 bushels of wheat in eight hours, shattering the previous record by …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Harvest, New Holland, Wheat

The Great American Wheat Harvest New DVD Cover

Jamie Johansen

The team behind The Great American Wheat Harvest are excited to announce their new DVD & Blu-ray cover. The cover features harvesters Jim Deibert and Rob Turkington “Turk” checking a wheat field in South Dakota. They have also secured DVD distribution for Ireland and the UK, and are finalizing DVD distribution in Australia and New Zealand. Once these are ready …

Ag Groups, Harvest, Video, Wheat

Great American Wheat Harvest Update

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast and thank you GROWMARK for continuing to be the sponsor for this podcast which is now on weekly episode 451! This week we’re going to get an update on the Great American Wheat Harvest documentary film from producer/director Conrad Weaver. Conrad’s film is helping educate the non-farm community all over the country about where …

Audio, Education, Harvest, Wheat, ZimmCast

Special Showing of The Great American Wheat Harvest

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ll be off to Bismarck at the end of next week to watch a special showing of The Great American Wheat Harvest. You can find it at the Grand 22 movie theatre at 7pm on the 22nd. The screening of this important documentary is sponsored by New Holland Agriculture, one of the many companies and agricultural organizations who provided support …

Agribusiness, Harvest, Wheat

New Holland Officially Unveils New CR Series Combines

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning New Holland is holding a press conference in Berlin, Germany via Twitter primarily using the #NHharvest2014 hashtag. It is mostly about the new CR Series combines topped by the CR 10.90. Presenting is Carlo Lambro Brand, President. Here are a few of the tweets so far: Award-winning Cursor 16 engine developed by #FPTIndustrial that powers the new CR …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Harvest, New Holland

New Holland Press Conference Live Tweet from Berlin

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like New Holland will be live tweeting a press conference today in Berlin, Germany. The graphic says it will be Unconventional / Unprecedented / Unmissable. Here’s their latest tweet with hashtags. If I calculate right it will start at 11:30am central time. Live Tweet of our Press Conference #EnteraNewHarvestingdimension starting at 6.30 pm (GMT+2) today! Don’t miss it! …

Agribusiness, Harvest, New Holland

Winning Seasons with BASF Headline AMP

Cindy Zimmerman

Growers across the country have experienced the many ways BASF Headline AMP® fungicide has a positive impact on their corn crops during the season. In addition to managing disease pressures throughout corn fields, proactive use of Headline AMP fungicide provides Plant Health benefits including growth efficiency and stress tolerance which can help increase stalk strength and reduce lodging, leading to …

BASF, Corn, Crop Protection, Harvest