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Thoughts So Far…


Kelcy SchroderSo, I just wanted to take a second and write about my whole experience so far. So I arrived at the Farm Progress Show yesterday at 2:00. I have never had the chance to come to the Farm Progress Show so this is all new to me. I was thinking… there’s going to be some really big tents and then just some vendors… but no… This place is way bigger!! As I came closer, you can see all the tents from the road and it was like a maze trying to get into the grounds. As for me, I had no clue where I was going so maybe it was a little bit harder, plus the rain didn’t help anything because I couldn’t go everywhere or otherwise I would have been stuck.

Farm Progress Show

Late Day Views

Chuck Zimmerman

You’ll find the sky over the show filled with advertising at times. We’ve got balloons like this one for Ag Leader Technology. They look a lot better in the sunshine. In addition to balloons we’ve got little lightweight sail planes (?) too. I couldn’t quite make out who this is for. If you know, post a comment. I got a …

Farm Progress Show, Video

Street Scene

Chuck Zimmerman

Street SceneHere’s the current street scene here at Farm Progress.

It may seem like I haven’t gotten far away from the media tent yet. That’s because I haven’t. Besides pouring rain all morning I’m now waiting for the mud to settle down so I don’t do a disgraceful fall with my equipment hanging off me.

Farm Progress Show

Get A Premium For Your Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

Steve Peterson Getting Interviewedwhile it was raining this morning the media was nicely cooped up in the media tent. I’m sure this didn’t disappoint Monsanto since they had the first press conference. One of the their representatives I met was Steve Peterson, Monsanto business manager for their Processor Preferred program. Steve’s pictured here during an interview with WITY. In my interview with Steve he describes how this program has developed about 90 varieties of corn that are yielding up to 2 to 4 percent more ethanol per bushel than conventional hybrids. He says this helps corn growers get a premium for their crops.

Audio, Ethanol, Farm Progress Show

Sticky Trap Program


Earlier this morning, Monsanto had their first Press Conference. The topic being discussed was the Sticky Trap Program. Speakers Glenn Stith, Vice President of Monsanto U.S. Branded Business, Clint Pilcher, Corn Technology Development Manager, and Wayne Natress, Executive Director were present to speak about the Sticky Trap Program! The Sticky Trap Program was an experiment to determine the amount of …

Audio, Farm Progress Show