Perspective On Fuel Prices

Chuck Zimmerman

JJ BrownI was very impressed today by the presentation here at the Clean Cities Congress given by J.J. Brown, Legislative Aide for Utah Senator Orrin Hatch. We’re hearing a lot of whining and complaining in the media about gas prices and lately a lot is being said about oil company profits. After hearing Senator McCain yesterday mention ADM and his lack of support for what he calls ethanol subsidies I think it’s time to put things into perspective.

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol

No To Ethanol Subsidies

Chuck Zimmerman

Senator John McCainSenator McCain just finished speaking here at the Clean Cities Congress. I caught up to him backstage on the way out. During his speech will I’ll post in it’s entirety on Domestic Fuel he mentioned being against government subsidies for farmers in relation to ethanol.

Audio, Ethanol

Students Helping Blog Clean Cities

Chuck Zimmerman

Clean Cities Congress & ExpoThe Clean Cities Congress & Expo is coming up starting this weekend in Phoenix, AZ. I’ll be blogging it on Domestic Fuel but not alone. I’ll have help! Once again – student bloggers. They will bring a fresh and interesting perspective to our coverage of the event. This is similar to my coverage of Commodity Classic with Margy & Mary. You see how a good idea catches on? I’m sure we’ll have some good content for AgWired too. So, let me introduce them to you.

Biodiesel, Ethanol

Former CIA Director Talks Renewable Fuels

Chuck Zimmerman

R. James WoolseyThe plenary breakfast speaker today, R. James Woolsey, Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, just finished speaking. He really focused on how biotechnology can play a role in our national security. Besides what most people probably think of first in terms of cures or innoculants for bio-terror induced disease he spent a while talking about energy and independence from terrorist controlled foreign oil.

Audio, Biodiesel, Biotech, Ethanol