Former CIA Director Talks Renewable Fuels

Chuck Zimmerman

R. James WoolseyThe plenary breakfast speaker today, R. James Woolsey, Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, just finished speaking. He really focused on how biotechnology can play a role in our national security. Besides what most people probably think of first in terms of cures or innoculants for bio-terror induced disease he spent a while talking about energy and independence from terrorist controlled foreign oil.

Audio, Biodiesel, Biotech, Ethanol

New Design For Domestic Fuel

Chuck Zimmerman

Domestic FuelThis past weekend we unveiled the new skin for Domestic Fuel, our alternative fuels website. Check it out. We’d love to know what you think. We switched to a 3-column blog format to allow us more opportunities for advertising and promotions and to make navigation easier.
