2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Judging NAMA Student Marketing Competition

Chuck Zimmerman

What would a NAMA Student Marketing Competition be without judges? Here are some judges hard at it this morning during the preliminary presentations. I spoke to one of them, Kelly Loganbill (center). She’s just another example of NAMA member volunteer in action. Kelly says these students represent “the fantastic future of agriculture.” She got involved to give back to the …

Audio, Education, NAMA

Happy National Teach Ag Day

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s National Teach Ag Day. What is it you might ask? National Teach Ag Day is a day to celebrate school-based agricultural education and to encourage agricultural education advocates, especially current agricultural educators (middle school, high school, post-secondary, pre-service programs, etc.) to share with others the great career opportunities in agricultural education. WHO IS IT FOR? National Teach Ag Day …


GROWMARK Names 2011 Essay Contest Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

For the eighteenth year, GROWMARK held it’s Iowa Essay Contest. The winner in 2011 is Sarah Goode of Coggon, Iowa. The theme of this year’s contest was “The Importance of Agriculture in Everyday Life.” In her contest entry, Goode said: “At the forefront of technology and innovative comprehension, agriculture provides for our basic needs and cravings, aiding our way of …

Education, GROWMARK

Making Precision Ag Pay

Chuck Zimmerman

Precision ag was the topic of several educational seminars at the Western Farm Show. The presenter was Lucas Haag, Kansas State University Research and Education. The seminar going on in the photo focused on improving profitability. That’s something that any farmer would like to know. I think Lucas continued the discussion with some of the attendees long after it was …

Audio, Education, Precision Agriculture, Western Farm Show

Apply for Green Mountain College’s Summer Farm & Food Program

Joanna Schroeder

For those interested in becoming involved in exploring traditional techniques and cutting edge research in sustainable agriculture should consider applying for Green Mountain College’s summer program. In its third year, the 12-credit summer intensive program Farm Life Ecology: A Field and Table Intensive, runs for 13 weeks from May 23-August 19. For the first time the College is also offering …

Agribusiness, Education, Sustainability

Precision Ag At Oklahoma State University

Chuck Zimmerman

My first interview at the Western Farm Show is fellow exhibitor Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology. I spoke with Steve Doede, Division Chair and Carlos Augusto, Faculty, Precision Ag Technology. Here at the show they’re enticing students to attend their programs in precision ag and technician training. They’re offering in-state college tuition rates even for out of state students! …

Audio, Education, Precision Agriculture, Western Farm Show

Agribusiness Educational Foundation Has Vision2020

Chuck Zimmerman

The NAMA Agribusiness Educational Foundation is moving forward on advancing its core mission of supporting and developing future Agribusiness leaders. Named ‘Vision2020,’ the new initiative seeks to raise up to $4 million over the next 10 years for college student scholarships, student and young professional development programs, and support of the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Student Program. Funding may also …

Education, NAMA

National FFA Prepares for New Century Farmer Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

The National FFA Organization is now accepting applications for its 2011 New Century Farmer conference to be held July 24-30 in Johnston, Iowa. The exclusive, highly competitive conference is open to college of agriculture students who intend to pursue careers in production agriculture after college. Those selected to attend the conference will be among the first in the nation to …

Education, FFA

Novus Supports AWARD

Chuck Zimmerman

As a truly global company Novus International supports outreach and education programs in many countries. One of those is African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). As a part of this fellowship program Novus hosts a researcher at their headquarters. Currently that is Salome Mutayoba, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. Established in 2008, African Women in Agricultural Research and …

Audio, Education, International, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

iFeeder Helping Communicate Safe Food Messages

Chuck Zimmerman

The American Feed Industry Association recently created iFeeder, the Institute for Feed Education and Research. To learn more about it I spoke with AFIA President/CEO, Joel Newman. He says the mission of the foundation is “To sustain the future of food and feed production through education and research.” He describes the challenge faced by the feed industry which is summed …

Ag Groups, Audio, Education, Feed, Poultry Expo