This week’s CornTalk is with Missouri Corn Merchandising Council chairman Terry Hilgedick of Hartsburg and the topic is the Energy Bill passed last week by Congress and what it means to Missouri corn growers. CornTalk is a weekly podcast on AgWired that’s produced for the Missouri Corn Growers Association.
Corn Cob Bob Thrown Out On His Ear
It looks like Corn Cob Bob has his enemies. Namely big oil companies. He’s such a friendly guy too. How could you not love him?
Update on CAFTA, WRDA and RFS on CornTalk
It was an active week in Washington, DC for legislation affecting corn growers. In this week’s CornTalk, the weekly interview report from the Missouri Corn Growers Association I interview Samantha Slater, director of public policy for the National Corn Growers Association, who gives us an update on CAFT-DR, WRDA and RFS.
Turning Corn Oil Into Biodiesel Fuel
This release came out just in time to be mentioned while an ethanol conference is going on in Kansas City. I guess corn can also be made into biodiesel. You just don’t hear as much about it. There’s certainaly a lot going on in the renewable fuels sector right now. Of course it doesn’t hurt to have a champion in the White House either.