CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with Mark Brinkman, Diamond Pet Foods. Diamond Pet Foods has worked with MCGA’s Value Enhancement Program to develop premium price contracts with Missouri corn growers who supply identity-preserved corn for use in the company’s pet food business. Brinkman says this assures Diamond Pet Food will receive a consistent and safe source of corn!
Value Added On CornTalk
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with the CEO, Gary Marshall. Gary talks about added value – and how it is benefiting Missouri corn growers. Last week USDA Rural Development announced the awarding of grant assistance under the Value Added Producer Grant program, and Missouri received more funding than any other single state.
Taiwanese Goodwill
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with a familiar voice to Missouri corn growers! Fred Stemme, the current vice president of marketing for the National Corn Growers Association and former director of communications for MCGA, discusses last week’s visit by the Taiwan Agricultural Trade Goodwill Mission. The mission toured the United States following the signing of the Sept. 14, intent-to-trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. Included in this high-profile tour was a stop in Missouri. Fred provides details of the event and also highlights the important role that this longstanding and important trading partner plays in the U.S. corn economy.
Senator Talent On CornTalk
This week’s CornTalk, a program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features Senator Jim Talent (R-MO), member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and Co-Chair of the Senate Biofuels Caucus. Cindy interviews the Senator who discusses legislation he is sponsoring that would provide additional disaster assistance for Missouri farmers, and what he is doing to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to quickly implement the new standard for ethanol and biodiesel.
Hurricane Impact On Missouri Corn Growers
Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath has been getting all the attention lately. It has certainly had an effect on agriculture and in this week’s CornTalk, Cindy Zimmerman interviews Missouri Corn Growers Association Vice President Mike Geske of New Madrid county in the bootheel. Mike talks about the impact of Hurricane Katrina on Missouri corn growers in terms of transportation costs, corn prices and input costs.
More E85 In Missouri
We’ve had this week’s CornTalk from the Missouri Corn Growers Association available to you podcast subscribers all week. I’m just now getting it posted though so pardon the delay.
Let’s Get This Ethanol Thing Right
In this week’s CornTalk, National Corn Growers Association CEO Rick Tolman discusses last week’s Ethanol Energy Balance forum at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The forum was organized to settle the debate over the net energy balance provided by ethanol. Much of that debate was created by a recent re-release of a questionable research study that suggests that that support for this form of energy is not worth it.
Mandated Ethanol Discussed On CornTalk
It’s CornTalk time and this week Cindy interviews Missouri Corn Growers Associaton CEO Gary Marshall about Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt’s commitment to getting legislation passed next session that would call for all gasoline sold in the state to be blended with ethanol. Missouri wouldn’t be the first state to pass this legislation and many feel it’s time!
Promoting Ethanol At The MO State Fair
First it was hot and dry and now it’s cool and wet. That’s the way it goes at the Missouri State Fair. In the Missouri Corn Growers Association CornTalk program this week, summer intern Rachel Nivens talks about what the organization is doing, including promoting ethanol and displaying their flex fuel Chevrolet Tahoe. They plan to present Missouri Senator Jim Talent with an appreciation award on Thursday as well.
Missouri Drought Subject of CornTalk
MO Governor Matt Blunt has requested a disaster declaration for farmers in over 100 counties in Missouri due to drought conditions. In this week’s CornTalk, the weekly interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association, our guest is Judy Grundler with the Missouri Department of Agriculture who discusses the crop conditions around the state, what the crop losses mean for Missouri, and the details of the crop disaster declaration.