The National Corn Yield Contest Winners have been announced by the National Corn Growers Association. The winning yields range from 351 to 232 bushels per acre.
Enhancing Value For Missouri Corn Growers
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week the program features an update on the MCGA Value Enhancement Program. MCGA Director of Market Development, Gary Wheeler, talks about how the organization works to capture value for its members. Additionally, Wheeler discusses the importance to Missouri corn growers of the reopening of the Japanese market to U. S. beef and he offers some advice to growers as they look forward to next year’s crop.
Will The Missouri River Rise Twice
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. The proposed plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to have two spring rises on the Missouri River could create another problem for farmers – crop insurance may not cover any losses as a result. Randy Asbury, Executive Director of the Coalition to Protect the Missouri River, talks about the potential problem and what is being done about it.
The Growing Popularity of Ethanol
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week MCGA President, Terry Hilgedick, talks about how the ethanol industry has already surpassed next year’s Renewable Fuels Standard production quota. He describes how grower-owned ethanol plant production is increasing in Missouri and looks forward to next spring’s legislative session and Missouri Governor Matt Blunt’s pledge to support a statewide 10% ethanol/gas blend requirement.
Big Oil Gets The Big Turkey Award
This week’s CornTalk has a holiday them. Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO, Gary Marshall, announces his “Big Turkey Award” which goes to big oil for posting record profits at the expense of consumers. Marshall also gives thanks to Missouri corn growers and lawmakers for supporting the continued growth of ethanol.
Missouri River May Rise Twice
This week on Corn Talk, Missouri Corn Growers Association board member, Paul Gross, of Corder, MO, talks about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Annual Operating Plan (AOP) and the concerns of Missouri agriculture with the plan’s not one, but two Missouri River spring rises ordered to take place in late March and early May.
Announcing Bootheel Agri-Energy
This week on Corn Talk, Missouri Corn Merchandising Council chairman Mike Geske (guess-key) of New Madrid county in the Bootheel talks about the announcement of Bootheel Agri-Energy, a new ethanol plant project proposed in southeast Missouri.
Missouri Ethanol Groundbreaking Next Week
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with David Vogt, Presidnt of Missouri Ethanol, LLC. Missouri Ethanol, LLC is breaking ground for a new ethanol plant to be built in Laddonia, near Mexico, MO. Vogt talks about the project and the groundbreaking ceremony to be held on November 7.
Farm Bill & World Trade On CornTalk
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with CEO, Gary Marshall. Gary talks about two big issues that have a direct impact on Missouri corn growers, the new farm bill and pending world trade talks. Gary discusses the status of both of these topics and explains how MCGA is working to protect its members as these issues move forward.
New MCGA President Outlines Priorities
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with the newly elected president of the organization, Terry Hilgedick. Terry outlines the priorities for the organization this year, including the Missouri Renewable Fuel Standard, which will see significant action in the upcoming legislative session. Terry also talks about the corn harvest, comparing it to last year and as he puts it, “What a difference a year makes.”