Sen. Grassley Honored for Lifetime Achievement in Bioenergy

Cindy Zimmerman

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was honored at the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLC) in Washington DC this week with the Holmberg Award for Lifetime Achievement in Bioenergy. Accepting the award, Grassley said he was honored, but noted that his “work’s not done yet.” The Iowa senator, who has been a champion of renewable energy for decades, gave a fiery address …

Biodiesel, Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol

Biofuels Advocates Testify at EPA Hearing

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency held a hearing Friday on proposed regulatory changes related to retail sales of 15% ethanol blended fuel (E15) and the renewable identification number (RIN) compliance system Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. Biofuels advocates, organization representatives and company officials testified at the hearing about the proposal and other related topics. Below are links to audio files from …

ACE, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA, RFA

Ethanol Report from Biodiesel Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has played the most important role in the adoption of biofuels in the United States, both ethanol and biodiesel, making allies of both industries. At last week’s National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper was part of a panel discussion on the future of the RFS and how …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, National Biodiesel Conference, National Ethanol Conference, Podcasts, RFA

2019 Biodiesel Conference Wrap Up

Cindy Zimmerman

Hundreds of biodiesel leaders from across the country gathered for the 2019 National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego to ENGAGE in thought provoking discussions to help advance America’s advanced biofuel. Among the highlights of this year’s conference were the annual Eye on Biodiesel industry awards for Initiative, Impact and Innovation; the biodiesel vehicle showcase, and discussions on the future of …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, National Biodiesel Conference

Biofuels Leaders Engage in RFS Discussion

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2019 National Biodiesel Conference concluded Thursday with a panel discussion entitled “To 2022 and Beyond: Renewable Fuels in the Next Decade,” featuring renewable fuel industry leaders discussing the Renewable Fuel Standard and what is on the horizon for 2020. National Biodiesel Board chief operations officer Doug Whitehead moderated the discussion between NBB CEO Donnell Rehagen and his ethanol organization …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, National Biodiesel Conference, RFA

Casey’s General Stores Receives Biodiesel Impact Award

Cindy Zimmerman

Casey’s General Stores received this year’s Eye on Biodiesel Impact Award from the National Biodiesel Board. Nathaniel Doddridge, Casey’s Director of Fuels, received the award from NBB Technical Director Scott Fenwick and Chairman Kent Engelbrecht, ADM. In the past year, Casey’s General Stores has become a leading player in the biodiesel industry, keeping biodiesel in high consumer demand. Casey’s is …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, National Biodiesel Conference

Biofuels Stakeholders React to Final RFS Rule

Cindy Zimmerman

Most biofuels stakeholder organizations expressed disappointment in the final rule for required renewable fuel volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for 2019, and biomass-based diesel for 2020, released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday. The rule maintains the 2019 conventional biofuels (corn ethanol) level at 15 billion gallons, while biomass-based diesel, advanced, and cellulosic categories all …

ACE, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, RFA

National Biodiesel Celebrates Ten Green Years

Cindy Zimmerman

On Monday, September 10th, the National Biodiesel Board celebrated 10 green years in their Jefferson City office biulding. “The National Biodiesel Board was started here in Jefferson City 25 years ago,” said Chief Executive Officer Donnell Rehagen. “This building has served NBB for the last ten years, allowing us to grow our industry across the nation.” In 2008, NBB moved …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels

Secretary Perdue Comments on Current Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue visited the Farm Progress Show this week, making an appearance for everyone at the show to enjoy with Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson in the VIP tent, followed by a press gaggle where trade was the number one topic, along with WOTUS and the Renewable Fuel Standard. Asked about Canada and its dairy policy – …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Biofuels, Farm Progress Show, Trade, USDA

Zimfo Bytes 8/10

Carrie Muehling

Eleven cotton producers from the Southeast will observe cotton and other agricultural operations in California’s San Joaquin Valley the week of August 13 as part of the National Cotton Council’s 2018 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) Program. Sponsored by Crop Science, a division of Bayer, through a grant to The Cotton Foundation, the P.I.E. is now in its 30th year and …

Biofuels, Corn, Cotton, Dairy, GROWMARK, Peanuts