2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Bureau: Republicans Not Bad for Agriculture

John Davis

While some are worried that the new fiscal hawks who were elected as the Republicans swept control of the U.S. House will be bad for agricultural interests in this country, the American Farm Bureau Federation says the shift to the right doesn’t necessarily mean the wrong path for farm policies. “I know there’s people in the press who have said, …

AFBF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, NAFB

Fives Minutes with Farm Progress Fuel Sponsor Star Energy

Joanna Schroeder

The Farm Progress Show last week was a huge success, especially for the Farm Progress Show 2010 fuel sponsor Star Energy. They provided all the biodiesel, along with FS Companies of Iowa and Renewable Energy Group (REG). This is the company’s second year providing fuel for all the farm equipment along with generators and such things as gators with Dieselex …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows

Soybean Board Sponsors Jeff City, MO Tractor Pull

John Davis

This weekend, Friday, Aug. 27 & Saturday, Aug. 28, the folks in Jefferson City, Missouri will enjoy the power of the National Tractor Pullers Association (NTPA), courtesy of the United Soybean Board (USB). Todd Gibson, the director of the USB and a soybean farmer from Western Missouri’s Carroll County, says this will be his first professional tractor pull he’s attended, …

Biodiesel, Soybean, USB

Camelina Gaining Favor with Farmers for Biodiesel

Joanna Schroeder

Farmers in several regions of the U.S. are discovering a new potential cash crop – camelina. Camelina is beginning to find favor with both the biofuels industry as a strong potential feedstock for biodiesel, as well as with farmers who are discovering they will be able to grow the crop profitably. One such farmer is Steve Camp, whose farm is …

Biodiesel, Farming, Video

New Holland Loves Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to biodiesel in farm machinery, New Holland is outstanding in the field. At the National Farm Machinery Show, most of the New Holland equipment on display proudly displayed soybean biodiesel signage, and company representatives wore buttons proclaiming their support for the domestically-produced fuel. “New Holland has a strong commitment to not only be a part of biodiesel, …

Audio, Biodiesel, Farm Machinery, National Farm Machinery Show, New Holland

A Biodiesel Family

Chuck Zimmerman

In case you can’t tell, I’m a big fan of the music of Emily Richards and Jason Brock since I first met them at a National Biodiesel Conference years ago. The photo is from one of the screens that was displaying them during their time on stage at the conference and I thought it looked cool. Emily announced that she …

Audio, Biodiesel, ZimmCast

MN Soybean Grower Addresses Biodiesel Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Today’s National Biodiesel Conference general session featured National Biodiesel Board Chairman Ed Hegland. He’s completing his final term as Chairman. He started his comments by reminding everyone that today is the anniversary of daylight savings time which was created to conserve on our energy supply during World War I. It was an innovative idea then and when it comes to …

BASF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Soybean

Biodiesel Industry Future Is Bright

Chuck Zimmerman

The CEO of the National Biodiesel Board, Joe Jobe, was on stage to welcome a standing room only crowd at the opening general session to the Conference. He opened up with a political theme to his remarks. As the folks in the opening video stated very clearly, this last year has been a huge struggle for our industry. With the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biodiesel

Burning Some Biodiesel

Chuck Zimmerman

We’re having a blast here in Grapevine, TX at the National Biodiesel Conference. It was a little brisk this morning our media ride and drive event. But I got to ride in a new Chevy truck that was fueled with B20 from Classic Clean Fuels. My driver was National Biodiesel Board Vice Chairman Gary Haer, Renewable Energy Group. Also along …

Biodiesel, Video