RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF Bolls Them Over With Headline

Chuck Zimmerman

Scott Asher is a BASF Diversified Regional Manager. He spoke today at their Cotton Consultants Conference and provided some technical information about the product. Scott says that BASF has a variety of activities planned for growers here that ranges from this session to a nightly hospitality suite and trade show booth. He says that communication with consultants is important and …

Audio, BASF, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

A Headline Cotton Yield Advantage

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the experts on the program at the BASF Cotton Consultants Conference is Amber Shirley, BASF Technical Marketing Manager. Amber says that having Headline, a foliar fungicide, available for the first time means that cotton growers now have the full range of plant protection products available to them that other commodity growers have. She says that using a fungicide …

Audio, BASF, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

Headline Making Cotton Headlines

Chuck Zimmerman

Kicking off the BASF Cotton Consultants Conference is Dr. Gary Fellows, BASF Technical Market Manager. Dr. Fellows started things off by announcing that Headline fungicide is now registered for cotton. He says that 4 years worth of field trials are showing great results. Many of the cotton consultants here were hearing the news for the first time. The conference provided …

Audio, BASF, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

Cotton Consultants Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

What better way to kick things off at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences than having lunch with your sponsor? Right now a large group of consultants is having lunch at the BASF Consultants Information Session in the good old Opryland Hotel. The first fungicide registered for cotton is Headline and that’s basically the news headline here at this session. We’ve got …

BASF, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

Orchestrating Opportunities at Beltwide

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s off to Nashville this week and the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Home will be the Opryland Hotel where several thousand growers, consultants and assorted industry representatives will be getting together. It’s been a few years since I’ve been to Beltwide so I’m really looking forward to seeing some old friends. This year’s theme is “Orchestrate Your Opportunities.” That’s sort of …

BASF, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton