RFA Ethanol Podcast

Food Tank at Bayer Ag Issues Forum

John Davis

Food and social justice go hand-in-hand, and producers need to find more ways to bring balance to what is produced and how people on the producing side and the consumption side are treated. Danielle Nierenberg, President of Food Tank, an organization founded two years ago to highlight the role of food in social justice, spoke with Chuck at the Bayer …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Reaching Out to Millennials Starts Locally

John Davis

Millennials have a lot of questions and concerns about agriculture, and it’s up to their age counterparts to help explain what modern farming is all about. One of the great “ag-vocates” for today’s farmers has been the Peterson brothers, whose YouTube video parodies of pop songs have reached millions in a fun way. Greg Peterson, who sat on the Millennial …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Bayer Issues Forum Shows Evolution of Innovation

John Davis

Agribusinesses are reaching more and more into the innovation realm to help farmers stay at the top of production and meet the needs of a growing world population. Some have even characterized the process as an “evolution of innovation.” “The ag companies, and in particular, Bayer, have been very good at innovation in the past, and we’re very good at …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Research

Smart Sensors & Cheap Connectivity Future of Ag

John Davis

A combination of more, cheaper smart sensors and more connectivity could make the future of agriculture and food production pretty bright in this country. During the recent Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, Michael Rogers, who is an author, journalist and futurist, spoke to those gathered at the event about some of these global trends driving food …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Internet

Bayer Ag Issues Forum: Transparency is Accountability

John Davis

With consumers more and more concerned about what’s in the food they eat and drink and how the animals that produce much of that food are treated, agribusinesses are finding they need to be more transparent with the public. During the the recent Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, Dr. Jennifer Walker, DVM, Director, Dairy Stewardship, Dean …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Bayer Talks Investing in Innovations at Ag Issues Forum

John Davis

Bayer CropScience is making major invests in innovations in agricultural research to make sure the world has the food, fiber and fuel it needs for a growing population. During the the recent Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, Chuck talked with Bayer’s Davide Hollinrake, Vice President of ACO Marketing, about Bayer’s $1.1 billion in research and development …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Research

Bayer Looks to Support Young Ag Professionals

John Davis

Bayer is working to make sure there’s the next generation of ag professionals ready not only to grow the food, fiber and fuel for this country, but also develop the science and even make sure ag products are marketed the right way. During the the recent Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, Chuck caught up with Inci …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Education

Bayer CropScience Launches #CitrusMatters Campaign

Jamie Johansen

Bayer CropScience and California Citrus Mutual announced #CitrusMatters, a year-long campaign geared at raising consumer awareness of the Huanglongbing (HLB) disease and the devastating impact it could pose to California’s $2.4 billion citrus industry. The announcement was made during the Citrus Showcase, California Citrus Mutual’s annual event that brings together as many as 600 citrus growers from around the state. …

Agribusiness, Bayer, Citrus

Astronaut Stresses Need for Science at Bayer Forum

Cindy Zimmerman

Among her many accomplishments Dr. Mae Carol Jemison is a dancer, a doctor, an actress, an astronaut and a strong advocate for “Making Science Make Sense.” She’s done more in her life so far than most of us even think about doing! Jemison talked to the Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum on Tuesday about why scientific literacy is …

Audio, Bayer