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BASF Offers New Trait System in Credenz Varieties

Carrie Muehling

A new herbicide trait system in soybeans from BASF will offer flexibility and yield advantages to growers in 2019. LibertyLink GT27 will be available in 13 different Credenz soybean varieties, said Marc Hoobler, BASF Soybean Agronomy Lead. “Yield is probably the most important thing that growers look for,” said Hoobler. “We’re seeing a yield advantage from two to four bushels …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, NAFB

BASF Introduces New Insecticide

Carrie Muehling

Growers fighting soybean aphids will welcome the newest insecticide from BASF, recently registered and available for use in 2019. It’s the first time in many years a new mode of action is available to fight soybean aphids and similar pests. “The unique thing about Inscalis – or the brand name in soybeans will be Sefina – is that it’s a …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, NAFB

Poncho/VOTiVO 2.0 Boosts Yields Again

Carrie Muehling

BASF looks to bring even more yield to growers with Poncho® /VOTiVO® 2.0, adding a third mode of action to a trusted family of products. Since Poncho came on the scene in 2004, followed by Poncho/VOTiVO in 2011, the products have been providing secondary insect protection and yield boosts to growers. The newest product brings even more advantages, said Kerry …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, NAFB

BASF Donates to Hurricane Florence Relief

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF is helping support Hurricane Florence disaster relief efforts in North Carolina. BASF has donated more than $150,000 in funds and supplies to the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina and the American Red Cross-Greater Carolinas, including equipment such as generators and extension cords. The donations were made on behalf of BASF employees at its Research Triangle Park …

AgWired Precision, BASF

ZimmCast 599 – BASF Cotton and Soybean Business

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF is in high cotton since the acquisition of Stoneville and Fiber Max as a result of the Bayer-Monsanto deal, as well as soybean varieties such as Credenz and Liberty Link. This is a new field for BASF but along with the brands came many specialists from Bayer who know the products well. Over the past month, Chuck has been …

BASF, Cotton, Podcasts, Soybean, ZimmCast

How BASF Helps Clothing Brands Understand Cotton

Carrie Muehling

Clothing brand representatives learned more about how cotton is grown during a recent BASF Cotton Production Field Day in Lubbock, Texas. Part of the program included information about e3™ cotton, an effort to produce economically sustainable cotton that’s good for the environment. “The idea of the product is that it’s a sustainable cotton and it’s a continual improvement commitment by …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Cotton, Sustainability

BASF Arkansas Field Day

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF held a field day last week in Marion, Arkansas to meet with groups of retailer staff and talk about the what the new BASF portfolio has to offer, particularly for soybeans (Credenz) and cotton (Stoneville). There was limited in-field opportunities for the day due to rain, but there was still a lot to share. BASF Cottonseed Marketing Manager Rachel …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Cotton, Soybean, Video

ILeVO Seed Treatment in BASF Portfolio

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the new products to join the BASF portfolio is ILeVO® seed treatment which offers effective protection against sudden death syndrome (SDS) and soybean cyst nematode (SCN), two of the top pests in soybean production. On hand at the Farm Progress Show to talk about ILeVO was Jeremiah Mullock, BASF Product Development Manager, so he sat down with Chuck …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show, Seed

BASF Celebrates Cotton with Texas Tech

Chuck Zimmerman

The annual Celebrate Cotton Texas Tech football game provided the perfect opportunity for BASF to show off its branded BASF Seed Innovation Center. Attendees were provided with tours that included both the Trait Development Building and the BASF Crop Analytics laboratory. After the tours media were able to meet with BASF leadership for one on one interviews. Then it was …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Cotton, Video