RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAAA Legislative Work Tops With Members

Chuck Zimmerman

The soon to be outgoing President of the NAAA is Bob Bailey, Bailey Flying Services. In this picture he’s being investigated by some blue men at the Association’s live auction last night. Bob is obviously a big supporter of the NAAA since he’s volunteering his time to serve as the President. I asked him what the organization means to his …


Good News For Aerial Applicators From BASF

Chuck Zimmerman

Aerial applicators learned about some new BASF products here at the NAAA Convention. They’ve been very happy to hear about them because Headline fungicide has really meant a lot to their business in the last 2 years. Dr. Amber Shirley, (pictured on right) made a technical presentation on TwinLine and Caramba before taking her turn in the booth today. BASF …


BASF Booth Booming

Chuck Zimmerman

The NAAA Convention Trade Show opened today and I spent some time taking pictures in the BASF booth. It’s just part of what you get when you sponsor AgWired coverage of an event like this – your very own photographer and multimedia content creator. This show was busy all day until the evening reception and auction started. You can get …


Optimistic Outlook For Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

The aviators attending the NAAA Convention got to hear some optimistic news today from Dr. Abner Womack, University of Missouri (pictured on right). He was here to talk about the results of the latest FAPRI outlook. I asked him what the news was. For one thing he says that inputs are coming down. Then over on the price side he …


BASF Makes Business Soar for Ag Aviators

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Headline has been a boon for the agricultural aviation business and the fungicide was in the spotlight during technical sessions on the first day of the NAAA convention in Las Vegas on Monday. Jim Gaffney is market manager for BASF aerial application strategy and he presented some results for low volume Headline application. “A couple years ago, BASF introduced …


NAAA Kickoff Breakfast Features Pilot’s Story

Cindy Zimmerman

The opening breakfast for the National Agricultural Aviation Association convention this morning featured a compelling story of survival, rescue and personal success by accomplished military Strike Eagle pilot Brian Udell. He is pictured here next to his wife, along with NAAA president Bob Bailey and executive director Andrew Moore. With a story eerily similar to the F-18 crash today in …


Testing WordPress App From iPhone

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m sitting in an ASABE Technical Session at the NAAA convention. BASF, our sponsor, is making two of them this afternoon. Tomorrow I’ll be working with them in their trade show booth. So, let’s see how this iPhone app works.


NAAA Convention Underway

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Agricultural Aviators Association Convention is officially underway after Dr. Gary Fellows, BASF, welcomed everyone at the kickoff breakfast. BASF is not only sponsoring our coverage of the meeting but is also a major sponsor once again of the convention. He told them that BASF is all about “keeping them in the air.” You can hear Gary’s remarks here: …


What’s New With BASF

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s go back to the NAFB Convention and Trade Talk for this week’s program and learn what’s new with BASF. To find out I interviewed Amber Shirley, Technical Services Specialist and Craig Lindholm, Marketing Manager – Seed Treatment. You’ll hear them both talk about plant health. Here in this picture is Amber getting interviewed before I got my turn. She …

Audio, BASF, NAFB, ZimmCast