RFA Ethanol Podcast

Visit to a German Vineyard

Cindy Zimmerman

As everyone in the United States was waking this morning to a political battle and a government shutdown, a few lucky U.S. agricultural journalists were enjoying a day in the countryside of central Germany topped by a fabulous luncheon and delicious wine that came from the vineyard we toured, courtesy of our friends with BASF Crop Protection. Our guide for …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, specialty crops

Willkommen to BASF Germany

Cindy Zimmerman

Gutan Tag from BASF headquarters in Ludwigshafen, Germany! BASF rotates media events for agricultural journalists between the United States and Germany – with the odd years being for European media with a small group from the U.S. Organized by the incomparable Pat Morrow, the event is always first class and often includes a visit to the equally incomparable BASF Weinkeller …

Agribusiness, BASF, Video

BASF Launches New Mobile Website

Talia Goes

BASF launched a new mobile platform, m.agproducts.basf.us, for U.S.-based Crop Protection products. This platform gives BASF customers and employees access to company and product information for use on all tablets and smartphone models. The m.agproducts.basf.us website features full access to all BASF Crop Protection product information. This includes relevant product labels and material safety data sheets (MSDS). The Contact Us …

Agribusiness, BASF

BASF to Acquire Verenium

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Corporation has entered into an agreement to acquire biotechnology company Verenium Corporation. The agreement, in which BASF will purchase all of the outstanding shares of Verenium’s common stock for US$4.00 per share, has been unanimously approved by both Verenium’s and BASF’s Boards of Directors. Based on all outstanding shares and including all net financial liabilities, the enterprise value would …

Agribusiness, BASF

Monsanto “Follow-A-Field” Initiative

Cindy Zimmerman

Monsanto is encouraging farmers to “Follow-A-Field” in order to learn more about the next innovation in soybean and cotton weed control. The Follow-A-Field initiative from Monsanto is an interactive experience featured on XtendFollowAField.com that follows three farmers as they take their Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ soybean fields from burndown through harvest as part of the Monsanto Ground Breakers® Field Trials …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Farming, weed management

BASF Expands RTP Faciity

Cindy Zimmerman

While we were in Argentina last week, BASF held a ribbon cutting to officially open its $33 million facility expansion in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. “This expansion demonstrates BASF’s strong commitment to Agricultural Solutions and strengthens our research and development capabilities”, said Peter Eckes, President BASF Plant Science. “This investment demonstrates our commitment to our employees, our neighbors and …

Agribusiness, BASF, Biotech, Crop Protection

BASF Plant Health – Weather or Not

Cindy Zimmerman

Keeping plants healthy in all types of weather conditions was the theme of a BASF Crop Protection presentation at the 2013 Farm Progress Show and if there ever was a year of weather extremes, this has been it. “You can come up with an extreme spell of dryness, an extreme spell of wet weather, you put them together and technically …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show

Herbicide Application Done Right

Jamie Johansen

Consultant for BASF, Dr. Bob Wolf, spoke at the BASF press conference during last week’s Farm Progress Show. Their On Target Application Academy was the topic of discussion and how it’s three goals of increasing efficiency, minimizing off-target movement and safety are their focal point. Dr. Wolf also stressed the importance of the nozzle size, lowering the boom and labeling. …

Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show

Staying on Target With BASF

Kristyn Stidham

BASF held a press conference at the Farm Progress Show where technical market manager for herbicides Luke Bozeman talked about the goals of the company’s On Target Application Academy. BASF wants to make sure that the growers that use their products are pleased with them. Within the company, they are focusing on providing information to the growers, as well as …

Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show