BASF’s Gator Intern

Cindy Zimmerman

We met Mark Kaplan when he was working for BASF at the Farm Progress show, but we did not realize he was an intern at the time, and certainly did not know he was a University of Florida Gator! When I saw Mark running around getting BASF set up in the NAFB Broadcaster Center last week wearing a Gator sweatshirt, …


BASF Offers Limus® Nitrogen Management for 2015

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection announced last week that Limus® nitrogen management will be available for sale in the U.S. for the 2015 growing season, and we had the chance during the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention to learn more from BASF product manager Nick Fassler. “Where growers will use Limus is when they’re making urea or UAN applications,” said Fassler. …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Fertilizer, NAFB

BASF Support of NAFB

Cindy Zimmerman

It would be a lot harder for working broadcasters to get their jobs done while attending the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention if not for the generous sponsorship of our friends at BASF. “We support the broadcast center and the email center because we know that’s an important resource for farm broadcasters to get their stories out,” said BASF …


Registration for BASF Xanthion™ In-furrow Fungicide

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn growers now have access to a first-in-its-class in-furrow fungicide for 2015. BASF Xanthion™ In-furrow fungicide has received Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration for use on corn. According to BASF, Xanthion will provide corn growers with an additional tool to protect their seed investment and maximize yield potential in the 2015 season. “Different than other early season crop management treatments, …

Agribusiness, BASF, Corn, Crop Protection

Learning More about BASF Limus

Cindy Zimmerman

During the Farm Progress Show last week, BASF Crop Protection Product Manager for Diversified Herbicides and Nutrient Management Nick Fassler was on hand to talk about the company’s new Limus urease inhibitor. “BASF’s been talking about Functional Crop Care for the last several years and nutrient management was one core pillar in that group of new innovations we were going …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show

BASF Farm Perspectives Survey

Cindy Zimmerman

At the Farm Progress Show this week, BASF released a new Farm Perspectives Study, conducted earlier this year, comparing consumer and farmer viewpoints on agriculture-related issues based on opinions from more than 9,000 people in seven different countries. “This is actually the second study, it was first conducted in 2011,” said BASF Technical Crop Production Specialist AJ Woodyard. Conducted in …

Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show, Farming

BASF Helping Fight Corn Leaf Blight

Leah Guffey

Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) has been reported in numerous fields across the U.S. Corn Belt. If the disease isn’t controlled, it will continue to spread and decrease corn crop yields. AJ Woodyard, BASF Technical Crop Production Specialist, says conditions have been perfect this summer for NCLB. “It’s actually a disease that enjoys cooler temperatures,” Woodyard said. “It also likes …

Audio, BASF, Corn, Crop Protection

Winning Seasons with BASF Headline AMP

Cindy Zimmerman

Growers across the country have experienced the many ways BASF Headline AMP® fungicide has a positive impact on their corn crops during the season. In addition to managing disease pressures throughout corn fields, proactive use of Headline AMP fungicide provides Plant Health benefits including growth efficiency and stress tolerance which can help increase stalk strength and reduce lodging, leading to …

BASF, Corn, Crop Protection, Harvest