2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Clearing Up Misconceptions About Beef Checkoff – MBIC Report

Chuck Zimmerman

Missouri Beef Industry CouncilHow well do you understand the Beef Checkoff? In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision to allow the Checkoff to continue it’s a good time to make sure we understand how the Checkoff works. Missouri Beef Industry Council executive director Steve Taylor clears up some common misconceptions he still finds with producers about the Checkoff in this week’s MBIC Report.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts

Meet “The Art of Dairy” Creator On This Week’s ZimmCast

Cindy Zimmerman

ZimmCastYou know that ZimmComm has created the World Dairy Expo Blog and when you visit you’ll see an image of a cow that’s in the process of being painted. If you go to the World Dairy Expo website you’ll see an opening flash animation of that cow being painted. In this week’s ZimmCast I interview Brad Nellis, Distillery Design Studio, who has worked on the theme images of the Expo for about 10 years. He’s the creative talent behind the campaigns, including this year’s “The Art of Dairy” theme.

Ag Groups, Audio, World Dairy Expo

Grill Beef For The 4th On This Week’s MBIC Report

Chuck Zimmerman

Missouri Beef Industry CouncilAt the end of last week the big news was the BSE announcement by USDA. As big as that news was it’s not something for the public to be alarmed about and that’s the word you can hear in this week’s Missouri Beef Industry Council Report from executive director Steve Taylor. Steve also talks about the upcoming July 4th opportunity to grill beef with your family and friends!

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts