It’s time for the cattle industry leadership to gather in Denver for the annual Cattle Industry Summer Conference. Missouri is well represented and in this week’s MBIC Report, at-large board member for the Missouri Beef Industry Council, Jon Kleiboeker talks about the conference and how cattle producers are involved, including his joint nutrition & health committee work.
Ethanol & Weather On CornTalk
Last week a lot of attention was given to an AP story about an old study saying ethanol costs more to produce than it’s worth. Pretty strange timing when you consider the energy legislation work going on in Washington, DC. In this week’s CornTalk program, Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO, Gary Marshall, discusses the flaws in the study that was quoted and talks about the weather concerns for the state’s corn crop.
July 23 Is National Cowboy Day
I’m sure my old buddy, Derry Brownfield, would like this. A national cowboy day. I never even heard about it until Cindy brought it to my attention. You can find a reference to it on the American Farm Bureau home page, including a series of psa’s recorded by Randy Huston. How many of you have heard these on the radio? If not, it’s probably because stations just don’t play psa’s like they used to!
Jeri Omernik ARC Interview
It’s getting closer to time for the Agricultural Relations Council summer meeting. Are you an ag public relations professional? Are you a member? Want to know more about it?
MBIC Report With Alane Lidolph
The Missouri Beef Industry Council has a new director of consumer information. Her name is Alane Lidolph. She just started last week and is interviewed in this week’s MBIC Report.
Monsanto’s YGPL Root Reports Hit The Airwaves
This isn’t the first year they’ve done it but they’re doing it a little differently this year. That is they’re using ZimmComm to pre-record interviews with growers and technical representative for a series of radio reports. They’re Osborn & Barr for their client, Monsanto, and the reports are about YieldGard Plus with a focus on corn plant root conditions.
Corn Congress Discussed On CornTalk
Last week Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO Gary Marshall was in Washington, DC where his meetings focused on several issues. In this week’s CornTalk program Cindy interviews Gary about the energy bill, the highway bill, WRDA and CAFTA.
Farm Radio & Print In Florida
This week’s ZimmCast features Gary Cooper. No, not that Gary Cooper. Gary Cooper as in, president of Southeast AgNet & Citrus Industry magazine.
Changes To MBIC Website On This Week’s MBIC Report
In this week’s MBIC Report, executive director Steve Taylor, discusses changes being made in the organization’s website to make it more user friendly and to add to the amount of content available.