Value Added On CornTalk

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with the CEO, Gary Marshall. Gary talks about added value – and how it is benefiting Missouri corn growers. Last week USDA Rural Development announced the awarding of grant assistance under the Value Added Producer Grant program, and Missouri received more funding than any other single state.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts

Learn About Qualisoy From The Board

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast36 - Kent GronlieThis week I’m off to World Dairy Expo and will be blogging it here and even more frequently on World Dairy Diary. So the ZimmCast this week features an interview with one of World Dairy Diary and that’s Qualisoy. I interviewed Kent Gronlie, a North Dakota soybean grower. He’s on the Qualisoy board and is also Domestic Marketing Committe chairman for the United Soybean Board. Kent talks about what Qualisoy is all about and how why they decided to get involved in World Dairy Expo this year.

Ag Groups, Audio, Podcasts, Soybean, USB, ZimmCast

Keep Up With Expo On World Dairy Diary

Chuck Zimmerman

World Dairy DiaryWhat kind of public relations people would we be if we didn’t do a talking news release about our own project eh? So of course we sent one out on World Dairy Diary, our very own farm show blog and the “Official blog of World Dairy Expo.” I’ll be posting here on AgWired from Expo next week but you can already see and hear plenty on World Dairy Diary!

Audio, Farm Shows, World Dairy Expo

Checkoff Dollars Targeting Consumers This Week

Chuck Zimmerman

MBIC Report PodcastThis week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council is all about how the organization is involved in a number of events this week, including “Shape Up Missouri,” the “Working Women’s Holiday Show” and the “Regional Cardiovascular Health Conference.” MBIC’s director of consumer information, Alane Lidolph tells us all about them in this week’s report.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts

Another NAFB Audio Invite

Chuck Zimmerman

Michelle RookI certainly think the NAFB emailed audio invites are a great idea and one of the most creative things the organization has done recently. So . . . here’s the latest one. I wonder if there’s any more planned? One from Sec. Johanns? Michelle Rook (WNAX) is currently the NAFB president-elect and she says he’s confirmed to be the keynote speaker.

Audio, NAFB

Taiwanese Goodwill

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with a familiar voice to Missouri corn growers! Fred Stemme, the current vice president of marketing for the National Corn Growers Association and former director of communications for MCGA, discusses last week’s visit by the Taiwan Agricultural Trade Goodwill Mission. The mission toured the United States following the signing of the Sept. 14, intent-to-trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. Included in this high-profile tour was a stop in Missouri. Fred provides details of the event and also highlights the important role that this longstanding and important trading partner plays in the U.S. corn economy.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts