This week’s CornTalk has a holiday them. Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO, Gary Marshall, announces his “Big Turkey Award” which goes to big oil for posting record profits at the expense of consumers. Marshall also gives thanks to Missouri corn growers and lawmakers for supporting the continued growth of ethanol.
New Holland Teams Up With Michael Peterson
Meet Michael Peterson, country music star, who is about to release a new album that I am sure is going to be a huge hit. The only place you’ll be able to buy one will be your local New Holland dealer. It’s expected out right after the first of the year. Michael was at the recent NAFB Convention. He was a big hit with folks there.
New MBIC Director Stahl
Three newly elected board members for the Missouri Beef Industry Council recently attended their first board meeting. This week we hear from Jay Stahl, region 4, in Southwest Missouri, who is from Lamar.
Missouri River May Rise Twice
This week on Corn Talk, Missouri Corn Growers Association board member, Paul Gross, of Corder, MO, talks about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Annual Operating Plan (AOP) and the concerns of Missouri agriculture with the plan’s not one, but two Missouri River spring rises ordered to take place in late March and early May.
AdFarm CEO Talks About Company Growth
Right before the start of the NAFB convention in Kansas City, AdFarm held an open house for their new offices. On hand to celebrate was CEO, Kim McConnell. Kim talks about the agency, it’s growth and commitment to agriculture.
New MBIC Board Member
Three newly elected board members for the Missouri Beef Industry Council recently attended their first board meeting. This week we hear from Jim Freeman, region 3 in Southeast Missouri, who is from Salem.
Announcing Bootheel Agri-Energy
This week on Corn Talk, Missouri Corn Merchandising Council chairman Mike Geske (guess-key) of New Madrid county in the Bootheel talks about the announcement of Bootheel Agri-Energy, a new ethanol plant project proposed in southeast Missouri.
Painting New Holland Blue On The Barn
Here’s your exclusive first look/listen to a “new” New Holland promotion involving country music star Michael Peterson. It’s just being announced this week at the NAFB Convention. Basically, Michael Peterson is coming out with a new album that New Holland dealers will have the exclusive rights to sell prior to any other retail outlets.
Agribusiness Forum Chairman Scott Kurfman
This is going to be a busy week of blogging since it’s time for the NAMA Agribusiness Forum and the NAFB convention (big pdf file) immediately following.
New MBIC Board Member Blue Geier
Each of the next three weeks on the MBIC Report we’ll be featuring the 3 new board members starting with David “Blue” Geier of Region Two, northeast Missouri, who is from California.