When your farmer board members tell you to podcast, you podcast. That’s what Dean Kleckner, Truth About Trade & Technology is doing. We brought his podcast to your attention recently and at the BIO 2006 Convention I got to ask him about it. You can hear his answer here:
Kleckner Soundbite (30 sec MP3)
Puerto Rico Governor Wins BIO Award
During BIO 2006, Puerto Rico Gov. Aníbal Acevedo-Vilá was named BIO Governor of the Year. I missed him and the reception to honor him but caught up with his Secretary of Economic Development, Jorge P. Silva-Puras.
Blog, Podcast and RSS Advertising Outlook
There’s some interesting new research out about how advertising on new media outlets is growing. This one comes from PQ Media. You can see an executive summary of the report and even listen (MP3) to it. Some of the report highlights are:
NAMA Blog is Jazzed
I’ve got lots more content to bring you from the BIO 2006 Convention but I thought I’d take a time out to get you “Jazzed” up about next week’s 2006 Agri-Marketing Conference & Trade Show.
F150 Lease Winner
One of the many contests at the BIO 2006 trade show was a 2 year lease on a Ford F150 that’s E85 capable.
BIO 2006 is Concluding
The BIO 2006 convention concludes this evening with a final reception. It’s time to shut down for now. I’ll be travelling most of tomorrow so keep an eye out for some more BIO coverage. I’ve got more interviews and pictures to share.
Interview With BIO CEO
The President & CEO of BIO is Jim Greenwood. Prior to the end of BIO 2006 I sat down with him to talk about how this year’s conference stacks up in comparison to others.
Roeper On A Field of Dreams
At the BASF Plant Science press reception yesterday we got to hear from movie critic Richard Roeper. Why you ask?
Former CIA Director Talks Renewable Fuels
The plenary breakfast speaker today, R. James Woolsey, Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, just finished speaking. He really focused on how biotechnology can play a role in our national security. Besides what most people probably think of first in terms of cures or innoculants for bio-terror induced disease he spent a while talking about energy and independence from terrorist controlled foreign oil.
BASF Plant Science Debuts At BIO
BASF Plant Science held an end-of-day press conference to talk about their intent to dedicate more than $320 million over the next three years to develop biotechnological optimized crop plants.