Sec. Johanns Speech

Chuck Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Mike JohannsRight now we just learned that the St. Louis Agribusiness Club leader of the year award is going to Sen. Jim Talent who couldn’t be with us today. That’s too bad since he is such a big supporter of agribusiness in the state of Missouri.


Rahal Pleased With Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

Bobby RahalBobby Rahal is very happy with his Team Ethanol car and driver Jeff Simmons this weekend (so far). That’s what he told me in an interview just a few minutes ago.

I was hoping to be able to interview one of the owners of Rahal-Letterman Racing and got my opportunity by the garages. Bobby says that he’s happy with the performance of the ethanol blend of fuel that’s being used this year in all Indy cars. He joked that he wishes he was the only one who could be using it.

Audio, Ethanol