The first part of the Ag Relations Council program was a panel on “The Bioenergy Issue.” Very timely with the passage of energy legislation this week! Pictured (l-r) are ARC President, Jeri Omernik, panel moderator Dr. Lynn Hamilton, Michigan State University, Susan Crane, WE Energy and Bob Oleson, Wisconsin Corn Growers.
ARC Board Meets
The board of the Agricultural Relations Council just concluded meeting a little while ago. Joining them was their scholarship winner, Katie Knapp, from Magnolia, IL, who’s attending the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She’s in the middle of Carroll Merry (left) and Jeri Omernik (right).
ARC & AMS At The Hilton Milwaukee
It’s a beautiful morning in Milwaukee. The Hilton is where all the action will be, starting with the Agricultural Relations Council meetings today, then the kickoff of the Agricultural Media Summit tomorrow.
Please Take The ARC Survey
To better serve the needs of agricultural communicators, the Agricultural Relations Council would like your input on a few questions. These questions will help the ARC Board plan future professional development activities. Please take a few minutes to visit the following site and provide your input.
Jeri Omernik ARC Interview
It’s getting closer to time for the Agricultural Relations Council summer meeting. Are you an ag public relations professional? Are you a member? Want to know more about it?
Agricultural Relations Council Summer Meeting
The Agricultural Relations Council is gearing up for a good time in Milwaukee. If you’re a public relations professional you should consider attending.
Gimme Some Water . . . Cool, Cool Water
If you remember who sang those words you are no longer a child. At the Agricultural Relations Council meeting they heard about water rights.
Accreditation In Public Relations Talked About At ARC
The Agricultural Relations Council looked into public relations accreditation more closely at their meeting last week.
What Would An Ag Theme Park Be Like?
From the Agricultural Relations Council:
More From The Agricultural Relations Council Spring Fling
Thanks to Jeri Mattics Omernik, Rocky Mountain Marketing Communications, Inc. and Carroll Merry, Countryside Marketing for pictures and captions. This will make for a nice series of posts about the pre-NAMA meeting of the Agricultural Relations Council.