2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ducks Unlimited Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

Before leaving Ducks Unlimited this morning we took a group photo of those of us attending the Agricultural Relations Council meeting. Thank you to Tony Dolle, Director, Communications for doing the honors. We received a great program overview and I’ll have more to post on the presentation at Ducks Unlimited within the next couple days. Your agriblogger is a little …


Guess Whose Boots

Chuck Zimmerman

At the urging of my ARC buddies I am posting a new edition of “Guess Whose Boots.” This is going to be tough. I will not lie. But the first person to leave a comment with the correct answer (as defined by me) will win a prize from the ZimmComm prize stash. I will tell you that the photo was …


New Logo/Officers For Agricultural Relations Council

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning the Agricultural Relations Council unveiled a new logo. Actually, it was ARC President Deron Johnson who made the unveiling. He says the logo has some very specific thematic elements including: The “A” in arc has an actual arc that sweeps through the middle of the letter. The typeface is bold and uppercase signifying simplicity and strength. This logo …


Consumer Outreach For Ag at ARC

Chuck Zimmerman

From Puerto Vallarto to Memphis, TN. Now that’s culture shock. But I’m here at the Agricultural Relations Council Meeting at the Westin off Beale St. Our program has just started with a presentation from John Charles Wilson, Agricenter. I’ll have a post on his presentation later. To get things kicked off I spoke with ARC President Deron Johnson, Rhea & …

ARC, Audio

ARC in Memphis Coming Up

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for the ARC Memphis: Consumer Outreach for Ag meeting. The Agricultural Relations Council is calling for registrations. The meeting will be held February 18-20, 2010 at the Westin Memphis Beale Street Hotel, Memphis, TN. The agenda includes a presentation from Agricenter International, Tennessee Farm Bureau, trip to Ducks Unlimited and a session on, you guessed it, Social Media …


Pork Expo Going Strong

Cindy Zimmerman

The hog industry is hurting, but optimism still exists here at the World Pork Expo 2009. Despite a year of plunging profits and flu fears, attendance is still expected to be pretty strong at the expo this year, according to general manager John Wrigley, who stopped by the Novus International tent for an interview. “We’re probably going to be down …

ARC, Novus International, Swine, World Pork Expo

ARC Spring Deal

Chuck Zimmerman

A new post to the Agricultural Relations Council group on Facbook by Katana Ewbanks details some incentive offers to join and get others to join. The ARC Board is excited to announce our spring membership specials to our Facebook group members. Individuals who become and ARC member between now and April 18, 2009 can join for the low price of …


Agricultural Relations Council Mtg.

Chuck Zimmerman

It sounds like the ARC annual meeting has gone very well in New Orleans. Thanks to Mace Thornton, AFBF, I got some notes about the meeting to share. Here’s what he says: An aggressive plan in place to rebuild the organization and grow membership. Now have Den Gardner managing (have not had professional management for the last 3-4 years so …


ARC Has New Board and March Annual Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like there’s new life being breathed into the Agricultural Relations Council. I’m wondering if anyone would like to sponsor AgWired coverage of the annual conference? If so, please let me know. The Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) announces its 2009 board of directors and its annual conference, set for March 12-14 in New Orleans. The 2009 ARC Board includes: …


Web Savvy Beef Ambassadors

Chuck Zimmerman

The red-shirted Beef Ambassadors have been wandering the halls here at the Summer Conference. I spoke with two of them this morning, Leticia Varelas, NM (L) and Jennifer Rassler, PA. They wanted to make sure I pointed people to their blog: Raising The Steaks. I hope you’ll take some time to see what these ambassadors of the industry are doing. …

Ag Groups, ARC, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference