You know if I was having problems with my rut challenged soil and wondering what to do about it I’d call Valley!
Monsanto Gives Rootworm Advice
Monsanto is encouraging growers to keep an eye out for some pesky critters that can damage their corn. You can read about it and listen to what they have to say in their latest Talking News Release.
Global Animal Management Sends Talking News Release
ZimmComm’s newest Talking News Release client is Global Animal Management (Schering-Plough) and their agency, Morgan & Myers. Here’s the latest news on a proposed mandatory animal ID system.
Mid Missouri Energy Grand Opening Subject of CornTalk
In this week’s CornTalk, I interview Ryland Utlaut, President of Mid Missouri Energy. Ryland discusses the ethanol plant’s grand opening which is scheduled for Friday, June 3. He also talks about the event and how important the facility –and ethanol – is for the state of Missouri.
Garst Supports FFA Collegiate Program
We certainly like hearing about companies that support our youth, especially for college. Maybe that’s because I’ve got 2 of my own at that age. It certainly isn’t getting any less expensive. A local newspaper editorial cartoon today showed a graduate getting their diploma while the parent behind them was handed a bill. I didn’t think it was funny. At least Garst is helping out!
New Marketing Manager At Dupont
I just got this announcement from Dupont.
Agrimarketing Website In China
I was just looking around at all the websites that have “agrimarketing” in their URL and found this one. Nice looking site and interesting business – Seabridge Marketing.
The Bike Belongs To Mike
Congratulations to Donna Taylor with Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica for correctly indentifying the owner of the motorcycle that was parked in front of the BCS Communications office during their open house last week. Donna knew it belonged to:
World Ag Forum Seeks Key To Peace, Security and Growth
The World Agricultural Forum gets started today in St. Louis but I’m going to miss it this year. I’ll try to have some images and information sent to me so I can update you on what the discussions are like. The theme this year is “The Key to Peace, Security and Growth: Local, Regional AND Global Agri-Food Systems.”
Merial Begins SHARE e-Newsletter
I just received my first issue of SHARE, Merial’s new e-newsletter. That stands for Strategic Husbandry and Research Education. It’s a nice clean design with several articles, some interesting facts and an “Ask Dr. Hawkins” section. Just about the right length I think.