The new corporate website for XS, Inc. is now up and running. Fulton Breen has been a pioneer in the use of e-commerce in agribusiness.
CME Trading ETF Futures
Okay. Somebody please explain what this means. I’ve been to the CME and I’ve reported on commodity futures prices for years.
New IS Director For ABS
40 Tractors & 5 Million Boxes of Melons
When I buy a melon at the store I’m going to wonder if it was harvested by a McCormick Tractor!
MO Governor Blunt and Congressman Hulsof In This Week’s CornTalk
The grand opening of Mid-Missouri Energy (MME) last Friday was a major milestone for the renewable fuels industry in Missouri.
CropLife America Featured In This Week’s ZimmCast
In this week’s program I interview Allan Noe, director of communications for Croplife America.
Oscar In Agriculture Call For Entries
The 2005 call for entries is out for the Oscar In Agriculture awards. This award competition is sponsored by New Holland in conjunction with the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB).
New Grower Guide On Pioneer GrowingPoint Website
I don’t know if you’ve been on Pioneer’s “Growing Point” website but it’s got a lot of information.
Pictures From Mid Missouri Energy Grand Opening
I would be smiling too if the governor just handed me the keys to a new Chevy Tahoe.
An Ethanol Plant And An Ethanol Standard
It was a big day for the ethanol industry in Missouri. We had the governor, some congressmen, various ethanol industry leaders and a couple thousand people. This was Malta Bend, MO!