Pioneer Announces Shipments of Bio-PDO

Chuck Zimmerman

If you had asked me a week ago what Bio-PDO is I wouldn’t have a clue. However, after helping distribute a news release for Pioneer this morning I now know that it’s a bio product made from corn and like a lot of biotechnology, it’s helping us reduce our dependence on oil while helping American farmers. Commercial production of Bio-PDO™ …

Agribusiness, Audio, Biotech, Corn

Going SMS Mobile

Chuck Zimmerman

SMS MobileI’ll bet that farmers will use SMS Mobile right after they get done checking their email, news feeds and the weather. How many of them have a mobile device already? Anyone know?


That’s a lot of Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

Kip and DaleHere’s Kip and Dale (Kip Cullers and Dale Ludwig – l-r). I have to post this since Haley Wansing sent a picture and I’ve received about a half a dozen news releases on it. You see, Kip has a world record soybean production record. He farms in Purdy, MO. If you read this segment from MSA’s news release you can figure out where the other news releases came from.

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Soybean

Cattleman Blogger

Chuck Zimmerman

Nichols FarmIt almost seems like today’s cattle producer needs to be part IT professional. I’m guessing that the beef from these animals will be traceable no matter what happens down the road.
