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Ag Leader Technology Good Fit with Wyffels

John Davis

Over the past few days, we’ve been talking a lot about how the seeds from Wyffels Hybrids are important for producers to get the most out of their land. With a high-quality product like Wyffels, you also need to combine it with the right kind of technology that helps make sure you are getting the right amount of corn in …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Precision Agriculture

USDA: Conservation Project Tour a “Real Gem”

John Davis

You can’t underestimate the value that an event like the recent Indian Creek Watershed Project Field Tour. “It’s a real gem,” Ivan Dozier, Illinois State Conservationist with the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) told Chuck during one of the stops on the tour. He said he’s been involved in water shed planning for a long time, and it makes …

Agribusiness, Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Farming

Below: 300-Bushel Corn is No Accident

John Davis

Getting 300 bushels an acre out of corn takes careful planning and doesn’t happen by accident. That was the message from Dr. Fred Below of the University of Illinois gave to those attending the Wyffels Hybrids Corn Strategies event in Vincent, Iowa heard this year. “[Farmers] have to select the best hybrids; they have to feed those hybrids with the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn

Ag Lender Sees Value of Conservation Tour

John Davis

Who better than a person who makes long-term investments in the land, an ag lender, to offer an evaluation of the long-term conservation efforts on display at the recent Indian Creek Watershed Project Field Tour? “It’s a wonderful thing. It’s trying to let others know that farmers are being very responsible stewards of the land,” Gary Bressner, an ag lender …

Agribusiness, Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Farming

Like Prima Tech and Share To Win Boots

Chuck Zimmerman

If it ever rains again in Iowa you might need a good pair of boots for the Farm Progress Show coming up. I learned the hard way to bring ’em with me. Here’s a chance to win a free pair. Just like Prima Tech on their Facebook page and share. To celebrate the launch of our new boots we are …


International FarmSight

Chuck Zimmerman

Attendees at the International Conference on Precision Agriculture got the full overview of the John Deere FarmSight strategy from Mark Stelford who does Solutions Marketing in the Intelligent Solutions Group. I visited with Mark afterward. Mark says that when you look at some of the megatrends in agriculture and outside the industry like demand for food, fiber and fuel between …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Midwest Drought Puts FMC Products to the Test

John Davis

The Midwest drought has hit farmers in the region with a double-whammy this summer. First, obviously, many crops are just withering and dying in the hot, dry conditions. Second, the lack of rain hurt some of the pre-emergence herbicides out there, allowing weeds to choke what crops were able to beat the heat. During the recent Anthem Field Plot Tour, …

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC