2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Mood Music At InfoExpo

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit Info/ExpoThese guys played music all afternoon. I don’t think they ever get tired. I also think you can hear them in the background of every interview I did in the show. I did several and will do more tomorrow. Many of these interviews will be featured on AgWired over coming weeks so stay tuned.

Ag Media Summit

AMS InfoExpo Red Carpet Treatment

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit Info/ExpoIt was a full day at the Ag Media Summit. After golf there were a number of seminars and then the opening of the InfoExpo. This year’s show is the biggest one yet. To kick it off the board members of the participating organizations donned formal attire and escorted each exhibitor in on the red carpet. Pictured is Tom Davis, Successful Farming, escorting exhibitor, Kim Lang, Valmont/Valley Irrigation.

Ag Media Summit

These Are The Champions

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit Golf WinnersThese guys should be making money giving lessons since they came in 12 under and won the tournament! No one else was even close. Can someone comment and get the lineup right for me? I know we have Gary Vorpahl, Tom Strachota, Lyle Orwig (holding the trophy) and David Lundquist but I’m not sure I’ve got the order right. Congratulations guys!

Ag Media Summit

AMS Reception At Sprecher Brewery

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit Sprecher BreweryWhen in Milwaukee you must respect your brewery! The Ag Media Summit group went to Sprecher Brewery, which is celebrating its 20th year. While I was there, besides tasting some good beer and eating good food, I got to interview Karen Schoenung, who is a manager at the brewery. She describes some history, products and other tidbits about Sprecher Brewery.

Ag Media Summit