RFA Ethanol Podcast

Stacked Traits For Breakfast

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning Syngenta hosted a pancake breakfast for us and distributed memory sticks containing all the information we need including logos, product info, etc. They used pancake stacks to emphasize their Agrisure stacked traits for corn. Nice tie in folks. I’m in my morning session room getting ready to discuss “Blogging for Business.” The early comers are seeing blogging in …

Ag Media Summit

Opening Reception Fun

Chuck Zimmerman

Even though I took the first bus back from the opening reception at Huber Winery it’s still too late for this agriblogger to get much done tonight. I’ll try to get some new pics added to the photo album though. Gary, Leigh Ann and Kelly are having fun at the opening reception which is still going on I assume. We …

Ag Media Summit

Registration and Media Room Are Open

Chuck Zimmerman

Registration is open and so is the BASF Media Room. I started out working from my room today but will switch to downstairs this afternoon. It’s going to be a busy one. We’ve got sessions starting at 1pm and receptions starting as early as 3:45pm before the big one which will take place at Huber Farms starting at 6pm. Keep …

Ag Media Summit

Talking Tobacco

Chuck Zimmerman

In case you’ve never seen a tobacco flower they are very pretty. I’m not sure if they have any use and I didn’t ask. If you’d like to learn a little bit about tobacco then watch this video clip from our farm tour stop. In it our host shows us the difference in tobacco quality that you get from leaves …

Ag Media Summit, Video

Tobbacco Farm Stop

Chuck Zimmerman

One of our stops on the Saturday tour was a tobacco farm. I’m no expert but his crop looked to be in great shape and you can see pictures of it in the photo album. Here’s Harlan Persinger sniffing some dried tobacco that was on display. We didn’t get to chew or smoke any though. The farmer gave the group …

Ag Media Summit

Visiting Journalists From Mali

Chuck Zimmerman

Attending the Ag Media Summit is a group of communications professionals from Mali. They’ve been attending Oklahoma State University as part of an international exchange program and have been doing internships and all kinds of things. I had a chance to speak with one of the group who is actually a student in Utah right now. I’ll have to add …

Ag Media Summit, Audio

Touring Alltech Headquarters

Chuck Zimmerman

Our next stop on today’s tour is Alltech. The tour is going on right now but I was here earlier this year for the Alltech Symposium. I’m borrowing Billy Frey’s office for a few minutes before lunch. Dr. Pearse Lyons greeted us at the door and welcomed us to Alltech headquarters. Then it was off to the tour which is …

Ag Media Summit

Sleeping Barrels of Bourbon

Chuck Zimmerman

Once bourbon is barreled here at Woodford Reserve it “goes to sleep” for approximately 7 years. During that time the very clear distilled fresh product gains its color and flavor from the wood barrels. The room in which they sit for this time smells wonderful. Actually up to 30% of the product will evaporate which they calls “angel’s share” before …

Ag Media Summit

Touring Woodford Reserve

Chuck Zimmerman

The tour of Woodford Reserve Distillery was really good. It’s my first whiskey distillery tour and I learned a lot. Like that Kentucky Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey are similar but not the same. Our tour guide, Jim, led us through the whole process from start to finish including a tasting back in the main room next to the shop where …

Ag Media Summit, Audio

Ag Media Summit Bus

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s the happy crowd full of Starbuck’s coffee and McDonalds sausage biscuits and hash browns. Our bus guide is Carey Brown, Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association. We’ve got about an hour to go to the first stop so I brought the Mac along to keep up to date during the day, battery willing. I’ve already got a photo album started for the …

Ag Media Summit