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Ag Media Summit Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s just say that their are a lot of award winners at the Ag Media Summit. For a full list follow these links: AAEA Awards (pdf) – LPC Awards. Here are most of the first place winners from the AAEA contest. They were pretty excited with their achievements and we congratulate all the winners. 2012 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC

Control Weeds Early With FMC

Chuck Zimmerman

Matt Foster, FMC, attended the Ag Media Summit InfoExpo to talk to ag editors about pre-plant weed control options. This summer’s weather has been brutal for field control of weeds and he says that growers are looking for options. Matt says that although a good pre-plant program is not a farmer’s “salvation” it is a good tool in their toolbox. …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, FMC

Lindsay Calvert AAEA Intern

Chuck Zimmerman

Lindsay Calvert has been the AAEA intern this summer and was “working like a dog” at the Ag Media Summit. She worked at DTN/The Progressive Farmer which was the host company for the internship. After that experience she says she may want to change her mind about being in public relations and start her career on the media side. In …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio

Faces of Farming & Ranching Entry Deadline

Chuck Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance is still looking for entries in their “Faces of Farming and Ranching” contest. Here are a couple of them, Kristin Reese, Local Flavor Foods and Jeff Fowle, KK Bar Ranch. They were on hand at the Ag Media Summit to talk about the search to find new ambassadors of agriculture. You’ve got until September …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Audio, USFRA

Meet New AAEA President

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s meet the new President of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association, Lauri Bedord. Here’s Laurie presenting now past President Greg Horstmeier his plaque with gavel during the AAEA business meeting at the Ag Media Summit. Laurie says she’s going to have several priorities that include the strategic plan which calls for an increase in membership. She encourages members to get …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media

New President of LPC

Chuck Zimmerman

The new President of the Livestock Publications Council is Kathy LaScala. Her term started here at the Ag Media Summit following the organization’s board meeting. Kathy is ready to get to work and make a difference at LPC. She says that under past President Scott Vernon they’ve done research to determine what the membership wants so they can bring them …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Media

Ag Media Summit Closing Banquet

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2012 Ag Media Summit is nearing the end. Tonight we had a lot of award presentations. I’ll have some of those posted for you soon. After the awards banquet it was time to relax and we did that on the dance floor and in the hallways. Just another time to enjoy fellowship with friends and colleagues in the ag …

Ag Media Summit, Media