2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Invitation to Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

If you haven’t registered for the 2013 Agricultural Media Summit then now is the time. To learn what’s being planned I got an update from Steering Committee Chairman, Greg Horstmeier, past AAEA President. We did this during the recent Agri-Marketing Conference. There was no script used. We decided to Just Wing It.

Ag Media Summit, Media, Video

We’ll Be Winging it in Buffalo

Chuck Zimmerman

Full registration for the 2013 Ag Media Summit doesn’t open until May 1 but you can get your hotel reservation made now. Just got mine taken care of. If you’re looking for the best place to promote your company or organization’s products and services, then you’ll want to be at the 15th Annual Ag Media Summit in Buffalo, New York, …

Ag Media Summit, Media

Looking Ahead to 2013 Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a Merry Christmas from the Livestock Publications Council Board of Directors. They’re looking forward to a wonderful 2013. Speaking of 2013 and LPC: Forrest Bassford Student Award We are happy to announce that Alltech will again be the major sponsor of the Forrest Bassford Student Award. Scholarship applications for the award are available on LPC’s website. This scholarship will …

Ag Media Summit, LPC, Media

Kinze Has Tips for a Breakdown-Free Harvest

Chuck Zimmerman

This year’s drought has made it tough enough for farmers; the last thing they need is a breakdown or equipment failure when trying to get in what crop they can. Phil Jennings, the service manager at Kinze Manufacturing, reminded me at the recent Ag Media Summit that there are some basic items producers should be checking before they head out …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, FMC

FMC Launches “Meat and Greet” Road Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

Our friends at FMC are on the road with the Capture® LFR® Insecticide “Meat and Greet” Road Tour, a series of meeting events that are taking place at more than 20 retailer locations across the Midwest now through September 28. “We’ll be visiting retailers to talk with them and their growers about Capture LFR and the benefits of using Capture …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Corn, FMC

TopCon’s New System 350

Chuck Zimmerman

What’s new at TopCon Precision Agriculture is their System 350 which features their X30 console. TopCon was one of the exhibitors at the Ag Media Summit. The console features: Mini-view windows with drag-and-drop positioning Interaction keypads with “expandable menus” Dashboard readouts provide constant, convenient basic data Integrated LED lightbar for manual guidance Full-screen views available for more detailed information Advanced …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio

Monsanto Working on Drought Tolerant Cotton

Chuck Zimmerman

Doug Jost is a Technology Development Representative for Monsanto and was visiting with us at the Ag Media Summit. Doug says what they do for the company is “test our new technologies usually in an experimental form and not commercialized yet . . . from cotton varieties to roundup formulations to drought tolerant cotton, things like that.” When it comes …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, Cotton

Farming Rock Star of YouTube

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the YouTube Farming Rock Stars attended the Ag Media Summit. He’s Greg Peterson, one of the Peterson Brothers who made the hit, Farming and I Grow It. Greg really does sing and showed his talent at AMS. Here’s Greg on stage singing the National Anthem during one of our lunches. Great voice and a great job. I sat …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, ZimmCast

2012 AAEA Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Their were some very significant awards given out at the Ag Media Summit from the AAEA. Here are some of them. 2012 AAEA Distinguished Service Award, Sponsored by Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Jim evans, Phd Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois Dr. Evans is being recognized for his work in the development of the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center on the U …

ACN, Ag Media Summit