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Ag Leader Summer Dealer & Customer Training

Melissa Sandfort

Ag Leader offers a variety of SMS™ training sessions to help answer grower and dealer questions about the software. Today, we caught up with Jessica Ahrens, Ag Leader training specialist, and asked her: • What’s new this year? • How do these training sessions set Ag Leader apart from other precision ag companies? • Why is attending a training important …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness

Barriers to Using Precision Ag

Melissa Sandfort

Have you seen Joe Neighbor in town at the local precision ag dealer, asking questions, smiling and nodding his head, followed by a hand-shake … then a month or so later, in the cab of his tractor multi-tasking on different screens while talking on his smart phone? Did you wonder how he knew what questions to ask regarding what was …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness

We Understand Precision

Melissa Sandfort

At Ag Leader Technology, there’s a philosophy that there is a direct correlation between precision agriculture and precision manufacturing. The key ideas behind precision agriculture are optimizing inputs and maximizing yields, accurate control of planting, application and harvest operations and then collecting and analyzing data to manage processes to drive improvements. Stop for a moment and think about manufacturing precision …

Ag Leader

Getting to Know Ag Leader

Talia Goes

Here is the next in our series as we introduce you to a few of dedicated precision ag equipment dealers in a series called “Getting to Know Ag Leader”. We caught up with Keith Byerly of Advanced Cropping Systems by CVA in Nebraska. 1. From an agronomy standpoint, what do you consider to be the biggest issues facing growers today? …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness

Ag Leader Wants to Hear From You!

Melissa Sandfort

Whether it’s good (hopefully!), bad or “help me before I throw this thing out into the field and run over it”, Ag Leader’s customer support staff wants to hear from you. And during busy seasons such as planting and harvest, customer support specialists are on hand extended hours to be sure that across all time zones, day or night, if …

Ag Leader

Most Valuable Dealership, Brokaw Supply Company

Melissa Sandfort

Brokaw Supply Company, a single-store business in Fort Dodge, Iowa, sells and supports six different brands of precision equipment including Ag Leader Technology as one of their premier lines, and services a customer base that stretches into Minnesota and Wisconsin. The dealership has been named Precision Farming Dealer’s 2013 Most Valuable Dealership. They boast 36 employees (4 precision ag specialists); …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness

Converting from AFS/PFS to SMS Software

Melissa Sandfort

Precision ag software … it’s necessary but can be, at times, daunting and confusing. There’s so much data growers need to compile and store from year to year, and data has really become a necessity versus a “perk” because it brings all of the information together in one place where growers can pencil out and see the value from the …

Ag Leader

Getting to Know Ag Leader

Melissa Sandfort

Here is the next in our series as we introduce you to a few of dedicated precision ag equipment dealers in a series called “Getting to Know Ag Leader”. We caught up with Ben Martin of Akron Services, Inc. in Illinois. 1) From an agronomy standpoint, what do you consider to be the biggest issues facing growers today? Today’s investment …

Ag Leader

Intellislope Helps Growers Install Field Drainage Tile

Melissa Sandfort

We recently caught up with Russ Mormon, Ag Leader sales representative, at the National Farm Machinery Show who told us a little more about Ag Leader’s Intellislope tile plow control through the Integra display. Installing field drainage tile improves soil tilth for better root development, lengthening planting windows and providing better nutrient access for crops by removing excess moisture from …

Ag Leader, Video

A Quick SMS Software Overview

Melissa Sandfort

We recently caught up with Adam Walters, Ag Leader software support specialist, at the National Farm Machinery Show and he gave us a quick “tour” of SMS Software, its capabilities and how it helps growers make better management decisions. Walters also gave us a top-level overview of Intellislope, a new functionality available through the Ag Leader Integra display which provides …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness