Sometimes you just have to take a little time off for a good cause.
Pictures From Mid Missouri Energy Grand Opening
I would be smiling too if the governor just handed me the keys to a new Chevy Tahoe.
An Ethanol Plant And An Ethanol Standard
It was a big day for the ethanol industry in Missouri. We had the governor, some congressmen, various ethanol industry leaders and a couple thousand people. This was Malta Bend, MO!
More On The Podcasting Wave
This image is normally used in our posts when we’re alerting you to the latest ZimmCast. This time though I just wanted to bring your attention to podcasting again and a good recent article in BusinessWeek Online.
New Ethanol Plant Grand Opening
Tomorrow will be grand opening day for Mid Missouri Energy, Missouri’s newest ethanol plant. All the dignitaries will be there (and me). We’ll have governor Blunt, Ag Director Ferrell and many more.
Pork & Milk Get Reprieve Too
I haven’t seen much news about the follow-up Supreme Court rulings after the Beef Checkoff decision. But there have been two of note.
Ethanol Stories On This Week’s CornTalk
It’s time once again for the weekly interview program from the Missouri Corn Growers Association.
New Pork Board Members
I’m a little behind on this. I meant to post it last week but then that little race in Indianapolis got in the way.
Elect Your Missour Beef Council Reps
Missouri’s cattle producers are urged to take part in elections for representatives to the Missouri Beef Industry Council. That’s the message in this week’s MBIC Report in which Cindy interviews executive director Steve Taylor.
New Look For Holstein Foundation Website
Who am I not to post an announcement about a new web look?