New Cotton Spots On MTV

Chuck Zimmerman

Cotton Inc.Since I just mentioned one commodity group’s new television commercials, why not point out another? According to a story in Adweek (I couldn’t find it on the Cotton, Inc. website) a new series of commercials will kick off during tonight’s MTV Awards show. The ads are produced by DDB.

Ag Groups, Agencies

Mandated Ethanol Discussed On CornTalk

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk PodcastIt’s CornTalk time and this week Cindy interviews Missouri Corn Growers Associaton CEO Gary Marshall about Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt’s commitment to getting legislation passed next session that would call for all gasoline sold in the state to be blended with ethanol. Missouri wouldn’t be the first state to pass this legislation and many feel it’s time!

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts

Promoting Ethanol At The MO State Fair

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk PodcastFirst it was hot and dry and now it’s cool and wet. That’s the way it goes at the Missouri State Fair. In the Missouri Corn Growers Association CornTalk program this week, summer intern Rachel Nivens talks about what the organization is doing, including promoting ethanol and displaying their flex fuel Chevrolet Tahoe. They plan to present Missouri Senator Jim Talent with an appreciation award on Thursday as well.

Ag Groups, Corn, Podcasts