Since I just mentioned one commodity group’s new television commercials, why not point out another? According to a story in Adweek (I couldn’t find it on the Cotton, Inc. website) a new series of commercials will kick off during tonight’s MTV Awards show. The ads are produced by DDB.
Not A Blah ZimmCast
In the ZimmCast you can hear my interview with Cindy Cunningham, vice president for communications, National Porkboard, at the recent Ag Media Summit. The “Other White Meat” campaign continues to run with a new addition to the tagline “Don’t be blah.” You can see the full series of tv commercials and listen to the radio ones here.
Child Nutrition Programs & Beef Checkoff Dollars
In this week’s Missouri Beef Industry Council report we talk about child nutrition programs funded with beef checkoff dollars. Cindy interviews Dean Carroll of Clarence, MO, who just recently attended his last official meeting as an MBIC board member after serving for six years.
Mandated Ethanol Discussed On CornTalk
It’s CornTalk time and this week Cindy interviews Missouri Corn Growers Associaton CEO Gary Marshall about Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt’s commitment to getting legislation passed next session that would call for all gasoline sold in the state to be blended with ethanol. Missouri wouldn’t be the first state to pass this legislation and many feel it’s time!
NCGA Says “Embrace Computers & Internet”
Let’s see who’s paying attention at NCGA. This is an interesting story they put out today. It quotes the recent National Ag Statistics Service study on Farmer Computer Ownership and Usage. I’m telling you, we need to embrace the computer and make it our tool. That’s what the biggest farmers are doing. Read on . . .
GoE Gone
It looks like the GoE Summer Roadtrip is over (at least for this year). I’ve been following them on their blog (have you?). They took a lot of pictures which you can see on their photo album.
Research Projects Funded By Beef Checkoff
The beef checkoff funds research in addition to promotional projects. In this week’s MBIC Report from the Missouri Beef Industry Council, Cindy interviews Bob Weaber, University of Missouri Extension, about some of the projects being funded by checkoff dollars.
New Checkoff Board Appointments
U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns, was in an appointing mood this week. He made quite a few appointments. I’m just posting the new ones. You’ll have to visit their website to find the re-appointments.
New Prez For TFI
Sometimes it pays to be the vice president! Sometimes you do make it all the way.
Promoting Ethanol At The MO State Fair
First it was hot and dry and now it’s cool and wet. That’s the way it goes at the Missouri State Fair. In the Missouri Corn Growers Association CornTalk program this week, summer intern Rachel Nivens talks about what the organization is doing, including promoting ethanol and displaying their flex fuel Chevrolet Tahoe. They plan to present Missouri Senator Jim Talent with an appreciation award on Thursday as well.