The folks at PERC (Propane Education & Research Council) have teamed up with to offer growers a tool to compare energy costs. The release says has about 250,000 visitors per month. That’s a lot for any website much less one targeting agriculture. AgWired’s getting there but we’re not that high. So what about all those growers who want to use this tool but don’t or can’t get online? They can order the ag cost estimator in a printed format by contacting PERC at (866) 840-1075 and requesting item #PRC001020!
Meat Me In Brisbane
Who wants to sponsor me to cover the 2006 World Meat Congress? Huh? Huh? This sounds like my kind of convention. That’s what “congress” means in other countries, “convention.” How about breakfast, lunch, appetizers, dinner and it’s all meat!!! That would be my kind of menu for a convention. No need to have carrots, celery sticks, etc. Just a bunch of meat on a stick. Of course you need something cold to wash it down and for my money I’d make it a XXXX or a Fosters.
Argentine/Peru Ranches Tour
Yeah, right. Uh, we’re going to go to Peru to check out the uh, ranches. “Honey, it will help enrich our understanding of global agriculture and maybe we can learn some new techniques to apply here on our ranch.”
Colorado Steaks Are Blazin’
The National Beef Cookoff is over and there’s lots of winners and prizes. The big winner is: Linda Morten, TX with the “BEST OF BEEF” GRAND PRIZE in the GRILLED BEEF CATEGORY with her recipe called “Blazin’ Colorado Steak.” It’s what’s going to be supper in the Zimmerman household this weekend! Instead of going into anymore about the contest and all the winners, etc. I think you just need to add this to your cookbook:
Checkoff Funded Food Safety Research
This week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council focuses on some of the food safety research being funded by Missouri beef producer checkoff dollars. Cindy interviews Azlin Mustapha, a food science professor at the University of Missouri.
Win A Holstein Association Jacket
Just last week I told you about this contest being run by the Holstein Association and this week we helped them promote it by sending out a Talking News Release! Here’s your chance to hear Lisa Perrin. She did a good job don’t you think?
CEO Selected For USSEC
Dan Duran has been hired as the CEO of the U. S. Soybean Export Council, the joint venture of the United Soybean Board and American Soybean Association. I don’t guess they have a logo or website yet, at least not that I can find.
EPIC Communications Director
There’s a new kid in town. The Ethanol Promotion & Information Council has a Communications Director. She’s Joanna Schroeder and she starts this week. Welcome Joanna!
I’ll Have Some A-1 With My Pizza
I’ve been wanting to write about this. Heck, I’ve been wanting to eat one of these! Is it only a guy thing though? Hat’s off to the Beef Checkoff for teaming up on a huge promotion like this. I wonder what the results will be? Besides a Dominos Steak Fanatic Pizza they’re even talking special furniture to sit in front of the television with.
Food Safety Research At MU
During food safety month the Missouri Beef Industry Council decided to do a series of releases on the subject to highlight their efforts in this area. Here’s number two in a 3-part series, featuring food safety research funded by MBIC checkoff dollars.