I eat a lot of eggs and didn’t even know there was a “seal” of quality for them. I’m going to be keeping my eyes out for it now. See what you can learn if you become AgWired?
Learn About Qualisoy From The Board
This week I’m off to World Dairy Expo and will be blogging it here and even more frequently on World Dairy Diary. So the ZimmCast this week features an interview with one of World Dairy Diary and that’s Qualisoy. I interviewed Kent Gronlie, a North Dakota soybean grower. He’s on the Qualisoy board and is also Domestic Marketing Committe chairman for the United Soybean Board. Kent talks about what Qualisoy is all about and how why they decided to get involved in World Dairy Expo this year.
Animal ID Conference Concludes
I was sent an end-of-the-week newsletter that talked about the ID-Info Expo 2005, put on by the National Institute For Animal Agriculture. This sounded interesting and there’s a conference website. However, eventhough it says “Visit often for updated meeting information…” all I can find is what I would call pre-conference information. The conference ended Thursday. There’s also a little box on the home page that says “MEETING UPDATES” but I guess that was for pre-meeting updates. Here’s a perfect example of an event that could benefit from a blog and someone to “blog” it! Animal ID is a hot topic. I’ll bet I saw at least 20 news releases this week from different organizations, mostly calling on Congress to do something. However, here you have a whole conference on it and I’ve seen no information on it except what a member organization put in their newsletter.
Chef Chili Challenge In Mid-MO
When it was time to get the word out this week about a Missouri Beef Industry Council-sponsored Chili Cookoff to benefit a regional food bank the obvious thing to do was send out a Talking News Release!
Checkoff Dollars Targeting Consumers This Week
This week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council is all about how the organization is involved in a number of events this week, including “Shape Up Missouri,” the “Working Women’s Holiday Show” and the “Regional Cardiovascular Health Conference.” MBIC’s director of consumer information, Alane Lidolph tells us all about them in this week’s report.
Visitors To North Dakota
There’s a whole lotta international hosting going on in North Dakota right now. If you want to increase your exports, bring your customers in and sell ’em. That’s what the North Dakota Wheat Commission is doing. Here’s the list of what’s going on as we speak (or rather as I write).
Stray Balls and a Steak
Get your limited edition Angus cattle pencil drawing by renowned artist Jack J. Wells from Certified Angus Beef. The drawing helped raise Colvin Scholarship funds at the brand’s annual conference. Numbered, limited edition prints of “The Source of Success” are available for $100 each while supplies last. Contact Tammy Noble at tnoble@certifiedangusbeef.com or 330/345-2333, Ext. 297, to order a print.
Will MyPyramid For Kids Create Buzz
I’m learning a lot this morning. Like that there’s a U. S. Tuna Foundation. I’m a major supporter I guess since tuna is a weekly staple of my diet. These folks beat even USDA today with an announcement about their new MyPyramid for Kids launch.
Taiwanese Goodwill
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with a familiar voice to Missouri corn growers! Fred Stemme, the current vice president of marketing for the National Corn Growers Association and former director of communications for MCGA, discusses last week’s visit by the Taiwan Agricultural Trade Goodwill Mission. The mission toured the United States following the signing of the Sept. 14, intent-to-trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. Included in this high-profile tour was a stop in Missouri. Fred provides details of the event and also highlights the important role that this longstanding and important trading partner plays in the U.S. corn economy.
EPIC Growth & Plans
In just a few short months the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC) has really put together some fantastic projects to promote ethanol as an excellent renewable energy fuel source. The organization has grown in membership and boasts significant backing for its future. Plans are being made now for 2006 and we look forward to what they have in mind. To find out more I interviewed EPIC Executive Director, Tom Slunecka for this week’s ZimmCast. Tom talks about the organization, some of their research and ways they are continuing to promote ethanol to the public.