They’re such a good looking group I had to post them for you. This is the newly elected national officer group for FFA. Their convention is over and you can find out a lot about it on their website.
Nominate Your Excellent Soybean Grower Now
Do you know an excellent soybean grower? One who’s demonstrated outstanding achievements? Now’s the time to nominate them for the United Soybean Boards annual awards. Let’s flood them with nominations and make it really hard to pick one!!
The Pics That Didn’t Become Zimmages
Our Zimmages this week have been supplied by Cheryl Stubbendieck, Nebraska Farm Bureau. Actually they were taken by a couple of their district directors (Roger Berry & Tim Horn). These guys have a second career possibility if you ask me.
New Mushroom Council Members
There’s new leadership on The Mushroom Council. Today Sec. of Ag Johanns announced some appointments.
Discover Your Inner Chicken
How does one know if one has an inner chicken? I guess you have to visit the Mid-Atlantic Agricultural Awareness Alliance website,, to find out.
NAWG WILOT Group Announced
Why not have a WILOT? The National Association of Wheat Growers does. It’s the Wheat Industry Leaders of Tomorrow program and they’ve got 10 folks participating. Keep these names in mind since some of them may become state and national leaders in the future!
Farm Bill & World Trade On CornTalk
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with CEO, Gary Marshall. Gary talks about two big issues that have a direct impact on Missouri corn growers, the new farm bill and pending world trade talks. Gary discusses the status of both of these topics and explains how MCGA is working to protect its members as these issues move forward.
The Beef Checkoff Promotes Healthy Beef Cookbook
St. Louis was the location for the unveiling of the new “Healthy Beef Cookbook” at the annual meeting of the American Dietetics Association. This week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council is with consumer information director Alane Lidolf, who talks about the new cookbook, how it was developed and how it benefits the beef industry.
George W. Has A Christmas Tree
It may not look a lot like Christmas yet but George W. has a tree for the White House. The National Christmas Tree Association helped get it picked out. This is a nice looking tree.
Flame That Flu Away
I haven’t said much about avian flu because I just don’t really know much about it. However, when you’ve got one of these flame shooting poultry house sanitizers we may just not have to worry too much! I like propane (I just wish it were cheaper) and here’s a great use for it. In fact, if you want to see a video of Flame Engineering’s Red Dragon Poultry House Flame Sanitizer just look here (9.1MB WMV).