I wonder if they include blogging in the Beefmobile wrangler training program. If not, I’ll offer to teach it. Where there once was just one Beefmobile now there will be 2 and instead of just one lonely wrangler there will be 3. Tracey Orsburn has been the lone wrangler but she’s now got company.
Mycogen Seeds Knows Sunflower Oil Is Good For You
I knew I should have deep fried that Thanksgiving turkey in sunflower oil. Then I would have been lowering my cholesterol while chowing down. I wonder if you can use it as a dipping oil for bread with a little balsamic vinegar. Something to check on. Anyway, the American Dietetic Association has certainly made sunflower growers and seed companies happy. You can read more about it on the National Sunflower Association website.
Real Christmas Trees For Troops
Tis the season to be jolly and support our troops. That’s the theme of a holiday promotion by the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA).
Beef Checkoff Control
Although the Beef Checkoff has strong producer approval there is still some confusion about who actually controls it. Missouri Beef Industry Council, executive director, Steve Taylor, explains in this week’s MBIC Report.
Find Your Perfect Turkey Recipe
Hopefully most of you are getting your turkeys out to thaw since the big day of Thanksgiving is almost here. In case you just don’t know what to do with it there’s a perfect place to find out more. You’ve got to love the domain – www.eatturkey.com.
Big Oil Gets The Big Turkey Award
This week’s CornTalk has a holiday them. Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO, Gary Marshall, announces his “Big Turkey Award” which goes to big oil for posting record profits at the expense of consumers. Marshall also gives thanks to Missouri corn growers and lawmakers for supporting the continued growth of ethanol.
Pork Board Budget Approved
The National Pork Board has finalized its new budget. They’ve got an aggressive plan to spend just under $50 million. This means the continuation of pork racing and the approval of all state budgets. Producer approval is high too according to their annual survey: the survey showed that producer support of the Pork Checkoff and the programs the Checkoff supports is now 71 percent in favor and 19 percent opposed. In 2004, the support level was 61 percent in favor and 26 percent opposed.
Beef Checkoff Video Available Online
An overview of the Beef Checkoff is now available in the form of a 28 minute video that you can download off the Cattlemen’s Beef Board website. It’s a big file so make sure you’re on broadband. If you don’t have it you can order a dvd. The video was launched on the RFD-TV network in September.
Avian Flu: It’s Not In Your Food
I don’t know about you but I’m getting a little tired of all the avian flu news. I was at a church dinner recently and overheard an elderly couple discussing it. The man was explaining what a pandemic is and how many people in the United States would die if “it” gets here.
New MBIC Director Stahl
Three newly elected board members for the Missouri Beef Industry Council recently attended their first board meeting. This week we hear from Jay Stahl, region 4, in Southwest Missouri, who is from Lamar.