Map Them Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

Soybean Genome Facility AnnouncementBefore we get to the story, here’s who’s in this picture: U.S. Senator Kit Bond explains the importance of the new Soybean Genome Mapping Facility, along with Dale R. Ludwig, MSA executive director/CEO; U.S. Congressman Kenny Hulshof; U.S. Senator Jim Talent; MU Chancellor Brady Deaton; Tom Payne, MU Vice Chancellor and Dean of College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; MU President Elson Floyd; and Henry Nguyen, Endowed Professor for Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council. Courtesy of Missouri Soybean Association. I resized the picture. It was bigger but you could see a couple of sets of closed eyes (not mentioning who). Kit, I wonder if you were going a little long.

Ag Groups, Soybean

Beef Industry Scholarships

Chuck Zimmerman

National Cattlemen's FoundationAre you looking for a scholarship to help you with a career in the beef industry? Know someone who is? Then let then know about the 2007 Beef Industry Scholarship Program, sponsored by the National Cattlemen’s Foundation and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Ag Groups

Beef Checkoff Turning 20

Chuck Zimmerman

Jo Ann SmithJo Ann Smith is one of my favorite people. Boy does seeing this picture make me miss Florida. Jo Ann was the first Chairman of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board back in 1986. It’s been twenty years. My how time flies when you’re eating beef. The CBB is a client for ZimmComm as I think most of you know. The Beef Checkoff holds a very special place in Cindy and my hearts because of that and because back when we were partnered with Gary Cooper in our first business venture the Florida Beef Council was one of our first clients. Florida had one of the highest approval ratings for the original Checkoff referendums in the country.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef