AAEA Byline Sponsorships Available

Chuck Zimmerman

There are a few issues of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association newsletter, The Byline, available for sponsorship in 2008. Companies will receive numerous benefits through this sponsorship. Those include: Company name on the right hand side of the front page of the ByLine. An opportunity to provide product or service information to the nearly 400 members of AAEA, including all …


Learn the Nuts & Bolts …

Melissa Sandfort

The American Agricultural Editors’ Association and Livestock Publications Council are pleased to host the latest Midwest Regional Design & Writing Workshop. The Nuts & Bolts of Ag Communication will be held April 10, 2008 at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Johnston, Iowa. Be a part of the design and writing tune-up! For more information, contact: Diane Johnson (LPC) at dianej@flash.net or …

ACN, Education, LPC

AAEA Passing of the Gavel

Chuck Zimmerman

The Ag Media Summit is now over. This has got to be one of the best programs and events yet. Not only was it the biggest so far in attendance but the enthusiasm and fun and fellowship was unmatched in my experience. Today both AAEA and LPC had their annual meetings. Here’s new AAEA president, John Walter, presenting a plaque …

ACN, Ag Media Summit

Ag Media Summit Shatters Records

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agricultural Media Summit is shaping up to be an awesome event this year. It’s only 2 weeks away! This year’s event is record shattering because we already have the most attendees, most exhibitors and most sponsors ever. The coolest thing is that I made the highlight list. AMS – which began in 1999 – is a partnership of the …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC

Lifetime Achievement Awards Revived by AAEA

Chuck Zimmerman

The American Association of Agricultural Editors has revived it’s Lifetime Achievement Awards which are sponsored by the Sonja Hillgren Foundation. All five of these recipients are AAEA past presidents. Sonja Hillgren Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award ­ 2007 Recipients Wilson Carnes, National FFA Magazine Bob Rupp, The Farmer AAEA Heritage Award ­ 2007 Recipients Charlie Scruggs, Progressive Farmer Cordell Tindall, Missouri …


AAEA Announces MarComm Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

This is a very interesting announcement from the American Association of Agricultural Editors. MarComm Awards! We love awards. So quick, get your thinking cap on and start entering. We are thrilled to announce that the AAEA Board of Directors on April 10, 2007, approved the American Agricultural Editors’ Association 2007 MarComm Awards program. This is our first awards program directed …


AAEA Photo Management Webinar

Chuck Zimmerman

I am seriously late in posting this but just in case you want to get in on a webinar about “Digital Photo Management Made Easy: How to Edit, Archive and Catalog Digital Photos.” This is being offered by the American Agricultural Editors’ Association and it’s tomorrow folks. You don’t have to be a member to register and participate. It’s not …


Kenna Rathai Helping Out AAEA

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’ve wondered what Kenna Rathai is up to then wonder no more. To start with she jumped into the business world last fall when she launched Kenna B. Rathai Communications. She does independent public relations and freelance writing assignments. And now she’s got a new gig helping out the American Agricultural Editors Association (AAEA) as associate director on a …

ACN, Public Relations

LPC/AAEA Midwest Regional Workshop

Chuck Zimmerman

The Livestock Publications Council and American Agricultural Editors’ Association are teaming up to offer a workshop in Des Moines next month. It’s the LPC/AAEA Midwest Regional Workshop on the “Nuts & Bolts of Ag Communications.” It’s about design and writing. To find out more about the program and to register contact Diane Johnson. The program is on March 29 and …